What is Rachel’s Challenge? Rachel Scott was the first person killed at Columbine High School A one hour school presentation combining powerful video/audio footage of Rachel's life and the Columbine tragedy Motivates students to change in the way they treat others. Friday, Sept 26
RC Trailer http://www.rachelschallenge.org/quicklinks/event-prep-materials/ Watch either RC Trailer (summary of the presentation) or Intro Video (summary of the day)
Bell Schedule Period 1 7:30 – 9:05 Period 2 9:10 – 10:45 ***NO 3RD PERIOD*** Period 4 10:50 – 11:33 (a 10:50 - 11:10 b 11:13 – 11:33) Period 5 11:38 – 12:21 (a 11:38 – 11:58 b 12:01 – 12:21) Period 6 12:26 – 1:09 (a 12:26 - 12:46 b 12:49 – 1:09) Period 7 1:14 – 1:48 Period 8 1:53 – 2:26
1st Period FR & SO students will report directly to the East gym for 1st Period. Teachers with first period majority freshman or sophomore students will report to the East gym & sit throughout the gym. Any JR or SR in a first period class with primarily freshman and sophomores will report to the cafeteria. **TEACHERS will need to list which students will be in the cafe. When the presentation is over, everyone will go to 1st period for attendance & debriefing. **There will be a handout.
2nd Period JR & SR students will report directly to the East gym for 2nd Period Teachers with 2nd Period majority JR & SR students will report to the East gym & sit throughout the gym. Any FR & SO in a first period class with JR & SR will report to the cafeteria. **TEACHERS will need to list which students will be in the cafe. When the presentation is over, everyone will go to 2nd period for attendance & debriefing. **There will be a handout.
Student Training Session 90 minute training session for Safe School Ambassadors Teachers are involved as well (1:10) Are you interested in being one of these teachers? Address how to sustain the momentum created by the assembly. The assembly creates the “want to” or desire for positive change. The training session teaches the “how to” and ensures that the positive impact will continue.
Information Needed from Teachers: Who wants to be part of the 6 – 8 training? Who will be attending the 1st period presentation? *Google doc Do you have students reporting to the café? If so, we need names for attendance Who will be attending the 2nd period presentation? *Google doc
We are asking teachers to: Before the presentation: Discuss the day’s schedule with students 1st & 2nd period Blended classes must attend the presentation/discussion The day of the presentation: Go to a presentation 1st/2nd Supervision in Café (depending on schedule) More on next slide….
We are asking teachers to: Go back to 1st or 2nd with your kids: Take attendance Give them post-event questions Discuss Collect answers & give to Shannon Phillips Email ____ names of kids who are struggling (TBA)
Post-Event Questions & Discussion – there will be handouts made for you Here are the questions the students will be answering. Take a look at them to help you better prepare for the discussion: Which part of the assembly impacted you the most? Review the five challenges: Look for the Best in Others Dream Big Choose Positive Influences Speak with Kindness Start Your Own Chain Reaction Which of the five challenges impacted you the most? What you can do in your school to continue Rachel’s chain reaction. Be sure to visit the RC Facebook page, www.facebook.com/rachelschallenge or the website, www.rachelschallenge.org to accept Rachel’s Challenge. Sign the “I Accept Rachel’s Challenge” banner in the main stairway.
Follow Up Sign Banner in cafeteria PBIS Lesson in October Safe School Ambassadors