LAL Status - based on inputs from W. Kaabi and A. Stocchi - cf LAL Status - based on inputs from W. Kaabi and A. Stocchi - cf. report on RF couplers by W. Kaabi on 23/4 Philip Bambade Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire Université Paris 11, Orsay, France 9th XFEL ACB meeting - DESY 22 April 2015
Status of power couplers at LAL: 2014 420 Couplers 360 Couplers + 24 couplers delivered on 2013 48 modules 2015
Status of power couplers at LAL: After production stabilization: rejection rate: 8,7% Before production stabilization: rejection rate: 19,4% 2015 2014 Weekly received Coupler Calendar week
Reception and deliveries projections 1/2/2016 End of Thales-RI delivery 14/2/2016 2016 Coupler Number Christmas break 2015 Assuming typical average rejection rates 15-20% Calendar Week
Highlights at LAL - Acceleration of Thales-RI deliveries - Just started CPI production Thales & RI has recently been delivering 8-10 couplers / week Accelerated production (incentive based, 10/week) for 2 months Rejection rate upon inspection presently < 10% 8 prototype CPI couplers, assembled and conditioned at SLAC, were sent to IRFU (transiting via LAL without inspection) 7 are mounted in XM26 4 first serial couplers received at LAL April 9 first RF processing attempt failed a second baking was performed, RF conditioning to be done again next week close communication and exchange LAL & DESY CPI 4 next serial couplers expected to be delivered next week From May, expect regular delivery of 4 couplers / week until January 2016 TBC: expect rejection rate of 10% from CPI after initial learning process Hope to reach (need…) < 10% rejection rate from Thales & RI and CPI Extend accelerated production if needed ? Up to 14 couplers / week can be handled at LAL
Prospects for future involvement RF couplers are a key component of the SCRF technology, but also a very highly specialized one Strengthen and develop our position in this “niche” in view of other coming similar projects in the community Diversify and extend our scope within XFEL: Contribution to module testing @ AMTF Commissioning and operation Beam instrumentation and physics training & education synergies with a possible ILC, and others…
Status of power couplers at LAL:
Status of power couplers at LAL: