RDIG for ALICE today and in future


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Presentation transcript:

RDIG for ALICE today and in future ALICE Task Force meeting, 13 November 2008, CERN RDIG for ALICE today and in future Galina Shabratova Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

Largest part of RDIG-Russian Data Intensive GRID –distributed Tier2 involved in to processing of ALICE activity Today 9 RDIG sites support ALICE computing All 9 sites are submitting ALICE jobs under WMS 5 sites installed SE::xrootd, an additional site has to install SE::xrootd till the end of November 2008 1050 kSi2k and 210 TB are pledged for ALICE. There are 203 TB have been already installed at SEs::xrootd at 4 sites.

ALICE RDIG management Representative of ALICE in RDIG deputy deputy Managers and System administrators of 9 sites

5 months RDIG CPU load for all LHC experiments ALICE MonaLisa map in 21.10.2008 5 months RDIG CPU load for all LHC experiments

RDIG/(all ALICE) CPU usage Month Pledged CPU % Delivered CPU % CPU/WALL (RDIG only) % Completed Jobs % July 5.04 8.47 77.85 10.2 August 8.57 79.19 7.66 September 6.8 8.34 77.52 8.38

RDIG ALICE storages -SE::xrootd

xrootd traffic at ALICE RDIG sites Report on ALICE sites' activity (01.09.2008 - 30.09.2008) Site Delivered Efficiency Job statistics Xrootd Traffic CPU Wall CPU/Wall Assig. Compl. IN OUT IHEP 22.63 27.21  83.15% 3362  2671 79.45% 58.07 MB 392.5 GB INR was out off production ITEP 31.08 37.33 83.26%   4883 1816 37.19% 129.2 MB 631.6 GB JINR 206.9 240  86.2%  28223  19346 68.55% 2.885 GB 881.9 GB PNPI 47.24  58  81.45% 5632 3468 61.58% 331.1 GB 375.9 GB KI 137.8 212.4 64.86% 18894 14153 74.91% 2.073 TB 125.4 GB SINP 23.56 30.4  77.49%  8965 7060 67.64% 73.3 MB 435.5 GB SPbSU 2.335 2.873 81.3% 2744 1856 1.751% 145 MB 75.1 GB ALICETotal 5044 6011 943367 527573 33.39 TB 39.31 TB

Analysis activity Today members of Russian institutes & JINR are participating in the analysis of ALICE as simulated as test beam data: at CAF as members of PWG2 and PWG4, in the processing of batch analysis In these days there is under installation a PROOF facility at JINR for all ALICE teams in Russia and JINR. As a first step this is one 8 cores machine.

What services are planning ? Installation and test of CREAM-CE at one RDIG site as a first step – RRC-KI. After the analysis of experience and operation of this site under CREAM-CE will be done decision about migration of other sites: how and what sites will be next. From the beginning of next year will start installation of pure xrootd at the base of new(not installed yet) disk resources. Today there is started the pure xrootd installation at new RDIG site –MEPhI ( ~7TB).

What about future resources? It has been announced requirements of ALICE CB to future RDIG resources in accordance M&O to the RDIG management to 2009-2013 yy. These requirements are now under investigation of RDIG management.

Request to ALICE computer management Together with WLCG to agree the accounting procedure for DISK resources will used under pure xrootd as the official contribution to ALICE GRID.