Benchmark Lesson #2 Creating Effective Collaborative Teams for School-Level Problem-Solving using Early Warning Data Step 0: Foundations of Teaming within Problem-Solving PLC plus general decision-making steps Activity 2: Identify team members, work on norms, compile resources to communicate purpose back to school Benchmark Lesson #2
Learning Scale Goals for School-Level Problem-Solving PLC Connections/Big Picture Access/Use Resources Follow Problem-Solving Steps (inquiry Cycle) 4.0 My school-level team and school staff can articulate Pasco County’s Compelling Whys, What, and How for Problem-Solving and MTSS. My school-level team can develop resource maps and use for problem-solving MTSS using interventions and data My school-level team can use early warning systems (via Pasco Star) and other data to engage in all four problem-solving steps for school-wide problems. 3.0 My school-level team can articulate Pasco County’s Compelling Whys, What, and How for Problem-Solving and MTSS and make a plan for communicating with staff. My school-level team can access resources for problem-solving MTSS using interventions and data. My school-level team can use early warning systems (via PascoStar) and other data to engage in problem identification and brainstorm hypotheses. 2.0 I can articulate Pasco County’s priorities for problem-solving student needs within MTSS. I can access resources for problem-solving MTSS using interventions and data. I can locate indicators for early warning systems and identify problem-solving steps to address school-wide and systems problems. 1.0 I can know and do 2.0 content with prompting and support. I can know and do 2.0 content with prompting and support.
Step 0: What is the Purpose of Problem-Solving PLC? Teams engage in the inquiry cycle using data to problem-solve at school and systems levels. School Level data are collected and analyzed by teams to help answer questions and inform decisions for school improvement including planning and monitoring school-wide interventions. Do you already have a team engaging in this work? Purpose: Tiered Problem-Solving using the Inquiry Cycle Look at Data for: Behavior, Attendance, Course Progression, Standards-Based Performance Potential participants: behavior specialists, school psychologists, counselors, social workers, school nurses, special education teachers, intervention teachers, drop out prevention
Step 0: Who are Members of the Problem-Solving PLC? Typically administrator Plus school level support personnel such as: behavior specialists, school psychologists, counselors, social workers, school nurses, special education teachers, intervention teachers, drop out prevention, etc. Ask teams to do a school analysis and then come up with a list of members based on current structure or reflection and consideration for restructure. Schools may keep current structures or may restructure based on conversation.
Step 0: What are Identified Roles of the Problem-Solving PLC? Identify roles and responsibilities – assign but roles don’t have to stay same can rotate Facilitator (lead) Recorder Time Keeper Technology/Data Expert Other Roles Consider that if you are sent by the school – may help to start off as facilitator and then build capacity of others as year proceeds.
Step 0: What are Norms of Problem-Solving PLC? If you think it, say it Ask questions Take care of your neighbor Take care of yourself What is said here stays here; what is learned here leaves here Be present
Step 0: What are the Activities of the Problem-Solving PLC High-Functioning School-Level Problem-Solving PLCs are usually engaging in 1 or more activities: Revisiting Consensus among staff/stakeholders Establishing the why, what, how for school-level teams Reviewing Tier I/II/III EWS and other data Identifying a problem Hypothesizing about why the problem is occurring Collecting additional data to confirm/disconfirm guesses Developing action plans Implementing action plans and logistics discussions Reviewing Tier I/II/III data to monitor the effectiveness.
Step 0: How does your current “Problem-Solving PLC” compare? Quick Write Campfire Activity: With Present School Team Members Do a quick building assessment: Part 1 of worksheet: Do you currently have a School-Level Problem-Solving Team? Who is on the team? Are roles identified? Are all stakeholders represented? What are the typical activities? Have you established norms? How is the team held accountable? How often does the team meet? What other school-level teams are in your building (i.e., attendance, discipline committees, etc.)? What activities are they working on? Is there a place to collapse and align? Ask teams to do a school analysis and then come up with a list of members based on current structure or reflection and consideration for restructure. Schools may keep current structures or may restructure based on conversation.
High functioning Problem-Solving PLCs have a: System for way of work: tiered level analysis/decision making System for knowing who is most at risk System for planning for who is most at-risk System for communicating to teachers Consider: How is MTSS planned and monitored in your building? What are strengths and then where are the gaps? Problem-Solving Resources Plan for intervening Plan for screening, monitoring Canvas Intervention Resources Canvas Data Resources
Step 0… Problem-Solving PLC What is your MTSS Plan for Intervening? What intervention resources are available in your building ? What is continuum of supports? Academic (program or not…) Behavior (PBS, Check in…) Where are gaps based on your needs identified through PS? What differentiation strategies are planned for Questions 4 and 5? What is the schedule of intensity to address common problems (Tier II)? What is planned for the most at-risk students when compared to what others receive (Tier III)? What is the most support (highest level) the school can offer at Tier I, II, III? What is the least support (least restrictive) the school can offer at Tier I, II, III? Building to student level? Focus of this training is on school-wide interventions. But an important task is to consider resources available for intervention in your buildlng. Questions/Considerations to take back to your team as part of setting your team up for success. You may have already done portions of this. Important to assess where you are at and what areas you may need improvement. ----- Meeting Notes (10/22/14 11:20) ----- how are people resources being used? and how should they be used?
Step 0… Problem-Solving PLC What is your MTSS Plan for Intervening? Intervention Area Guiding Questions to Establish Intervention Supports Systems Are there processes/procedures that need refinement? Content Focus What are targeted standards/skills? What additional and/or different content is needed to address areas of need? Resources What are curriculum/instructional materials? What additional and/or different content is needed to address areas of need? Group Size What is the optimal ratio of students to staff? Delivery What is the optimal instructional delivery format? Time How many minutes? How many extra are needed to address areas of need? Scheduled vs. engaged time? People Who is involved? Does the role match the person, need? Who else needs to be involved to address areas of need? Scaffolding How are supports planned and monitored? What additional and/or different content is needed to address areas of need? PD What are staff needs? What are family-community needs?
Step 0 … Problem-Solving PLC What is your MTSS plan for Screening/Monitoring? What measures are given to all? What measures are for a few? What measures are used? Standards based Early Warning Systems How often do we need to check in? Quarterly, weekly, bi-weekly? What are the decision rules for students that need more?* need acceleration? Progress Monitoring-Skills What measures are used? How often do we need to check in? How do we track fidelity? operationalize fidelity so its a norm of accountability for the building internal accountability and collective accountability - Marzano Encourage team to self-reflect with guiding questions
High functioning Problem-Solving PLCs have a: System for way of work: tiered level analysis/decision making System for knowing who is most at risk System for planning for who is most at-risk System for communicating to teachers Consider: How is MTSS planned and monitored in your building? What are strengths and then where are the gaps? Problem-Solving Resources Show resources on Canvas Plan for intervening Plan for screening, monitoring Canvas Intervention Resources Canvas Data Resources
Activity: Benchmark #2 Assessing Team and MTSS Review Step 0 Foundations of Team and Part 1 Quick Write Activity and Start Work on Part 2. Then consider: Do you have a team? If not, what are next steps? If so, how does your current school-level team compare? Then, what is your first step to communicate and work toward a reasonable goal for this year to make improvements? Think About/Plan: What resources would you use to develop a teaching tool (ppt, prezi, etc.) for your school about the foundations of MTSS and EWS/School-Level Problem-Solving PLC? (Include information from Benchmark Lessons #1 and #2). Upload quick write and teaching tool to Canvas by Nov 30. What is scope of