What is another name for Intrusive? Plutonic
What is another name for Extrusive? Volcanic
What is the E.O.F. of a very coarse rock? Intrusive
What is the E.O.F. of Pumice? Extrusive
What is the E.O.F if the rock is Vesicular? Extrusive
Which is the only rock on your charts with grain size 10 mm or larger Which is the only rock on your charts with grain size 10 mm or larger? Pegamatite
What is the grain size of obsidian? Noncrystalline
What is the grain size of Basalt? Less than 1 mm
Which coarse grained rock is felsic? Granite
What is the term for rock with two textures? Porphyry or Porphyritic
A Felsic rock has what two elements for its composition A Felsic rock has what two elements for its composition? Silicon and Aluminum
What two elements does a Mafic rock contain? Iron and magnesium
A dark colored rock generally has a what composition? Mafic
What is the composition of Andesite What is the composition of Andesite? Intermediate (50% felsic and 50% mafic)
Why is it unusual that Obsidian is black Why is it unusual that Obsidian is black? Most felsic rocks are light in color
What happens to temperature when you increase in depth? It increases
What is the term called when the temperature increases with depth What is the term called when the temperature increases with depth? Geothermal Gradient
What happens to pressure when you increase in depth? It increases
What happens to the melting point of a rock as the water content increases? It decreases
Aside from temperature, pressure, and water content, what is another factor that impacts how magma is formed? Its composition
What is the texture of obsidian? Glassy and nonvesicular
What is the texture of Gabbro? Coarse
What does vesicular mean? Gas pockets
Which rock will have very coarse texture? Pegamatite
How can a rock develop porphyry? It cools at two different rates
What three main minerals will granite have What three main minerals will granite have? Potassium Feldspar Quartz Plagioclase feldspar
What are the three main minerals in Obsidian What are the three main minerals in Obsidian? Potassium Feldspar Quartz Plagioclase feldspar
What are the main minerals in Andesite? Plagioclase Biotite Amphibole
Dunite is made of which mineral? Olivine
Which rocks have amphibole, biotite, pyroxene, plagioclase feldspar and olivine? Basaltic glass, Scoria, Vesicular basalt, basalt diabase and gabbro
What is the name of the series that shows the relationship between cooling magma and mineral formation? Bowen’s reaction series
How does a rock develop large crystals? Cooling slowly
When magma cools, it crystallizes in the reverse order of partial melting. What is the name of the process in which different minerals form at different temperatures? Fractional Crystallization
Term for when some minerals melt at low temperatures and others remain a solid Partial melting
What does ignis mean in Latin? Fire
Identify this rock and list its environment of formation, Crystal size, texture and composition (felsic or mafic)?
Granite Intrusive 1 mm to 10 mm Coarse Felsic
Identify this rock and list its environment of formation, Crystal size, texture and composition (felsic or mafic)?
Pegmatite Intrusive 10 mm or larger Very coarse Felsic
Identify this rock and list its environment of formation, Crystal size, texture and composition (felsic or mafic)?
Basalt extrusive Less than 1 mm Fine Mafic
Identify this rock and list its environment of formation, Crystal size, texture and composition (felsic or mafic)?
Andesite extrusive Less than 1 mm Fine Intermediate
Identify this rock and list its environment of formation, Crystal size, texture and composition (felsic or mafic)?
Pumice Extrusive Non-Crystalline Glassy/Vesicular Felsic
Identify this rock and list its environment of formation, Crystal size, texture and composition (felsic or mafic)?
Scoria Extrusive Non-Crystalline Glassy/Vesicular mafic
Identify this rock and list its environment of formation, Crystal size, texture and composition (felsic or mafic)?
Obsidian Extrusive Non-Crystalline Glassy Felsic
Identify this rock and list its environment of formation, Crystal size, texture and composition (felsic or mafic)?
Gabbro Intrusive 1 mm to 10 mm Coarse mafic
Identify this rock and list its environment of formation, Crystal size, texture and composition (felsic or mafic)?
Dunite Intrusive 1 mm to 10 mm Coarse mafic or ultramafic
Identify this rock and list its environment of formation, Crystal size, texture and composition (felsic or mafic)?
Peridotite Intrusive 1 mm to 10 mm Coarse mafic
Identify this rock and list its environment of formation, Crystal size, texture and composition (felsic or mafic)?
Rhyolite Extrusive Less than 1 mm fine Felsic