West Texas Association of Women in Science www.ciser.ttu.edu/wis Chapter of National AWIS, est. 2008 Monthly Meetings and/or Socials Since inception over 1000 attendees and dozens of excellent speakers K-12 Outreach Since Fall 2009, 25+ TTU/TTUHSC faculty, staff and students have participated in outreach activities at 14 different schools, reaching over 400 students! Awards Student travel awards- (2009)- 10 students have received $2000 total Outstanding Young Female Scientist Awards- presented to one student in; elementary, middle school and high school at SP Science Fair C.O.W. and O.W.L
Previous Awardees Champion of Women in Science (C.O.W.) Michael San Francisco – 2008 Todd Anderson- 2009 William Marcy- 2010 Outstanding Woman Leader in Science (O.W.L.) Martha Hise- 2009 Elizabeth Hall Burns- 2010
Champion of Women in Science (C.O.W.) WT-AWIS 2011 C.O.W. Award Champion of Women in Science (C.O.W.) Dr. Samuel Prien
Outstanding Woman Leader in Science (O.W.L.) WT-AWIS 2011 O.W.L. Award Outstanding Woman Leader in Science (O.W.L.) Dr. Barbara Pence