Information Processing: Section 4 (Day 2) Information Processing: Complex Risk Environments
Bell Ringer Write a half page red to red. Every generation of people is different in important ways. How is your generation different from your parents’ generation? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer. Save these to be turned in with your test! Worth 10% of your grade.
Reminder Did you do Section 4 Day 1 quiz?? Bring paper/pen/pencil and notebook Electronics are for instructional use with permission Did you do Section 4 Day 1 quiz?? No Excuses why you didn’t take Quizzes 1-6 before test day!! (Quizzes are worth 30% of grade) Attendance is MANDATORY!! (NO SLEEPING in class) All notes can be found on Harrisonburg’s staff website: If you are NOT taking notes in class, please be quiet and ask to use the restroom at the end of class.
This is what you are trying to get at the end of class.. “Green Card” Your Name Here Harrisonburg High School H.C.P.S 36 x 03/06/2012 This is what you are trying to get at the end of class..
Day 2 Objectives The students will be able to list reasons for lane changes The students will be able to explain the steps of passing on expressways The students will be able to explain reasons of choosing lanes on expressways The students will be able to identify parts of an expressway exit Related SOL: DE.3, DE.4, DE.5, DE.6, DE. 7, and DE.20
Changing Lanes and Exiting Expressways
Reasons for Lane Changes Exit Ramp Entering or exiting Allowing another driver to enter Following large or slow-moving vehicles Lane ahead becomes blocked Being tailgated Animals Passing Entrance Ramp
Steps to safely change lanes: Maintain a safe following distance from the vehicles in front of you. Signal your intention to change lanes. Check traffic ahead, behind and to the sides (mirrors and head check). Scan in direction of the BLUE arrows
Steps to safely change lanes: Select a safe gap in traffic. Re-check blind spots in the direction of the lane change. Adjust your speed — if clear, steer smoothly to the new lane, if not, wait and cancel your turn signal. Move one lane at a time.
Choosing Lanes on Expressways Depends on volume of traffic, type of traffic, speed and the planned exit Right lane conflicts with traffic entering and exiting the expressway Right Lane Center Lane Left Lane
Choosing Lanes on Expressways Right Lane: Heavier and slower vehicles Vehicles entering the expressway Vehicles getting ready to exit Right Lane Center Lane Left Lane Center Lane: Long distance or passing Left Lane: Higher speed and passing traffic
Passing on Expressways Check traffic ahead, to the sides, and behind BGE mirror settings. Signal Make a head check Accelerate smoothly Change lanes smoothly Cancel signal Pass and signal to return Check mirrors and look over shoulder When both sets of headlights of the vehicle being passed are visible, return to the lane Adjust speed and/or vehicle position to create space all around your vehicle The RED line shows path of the red car. The BLUE arrows show where the driver’s eyes are searching.
Being Passed on Expressways Monitor passing vehicle’s position Move to lane position 3 to increase space cushion Do not increase speed—decelerate if necessary Once passed, create space ahead and behind move away
Other Users Trucks, trailers, buses, and other large vehicles add additional challenges to driving on multiple lane roadways. Large and slow moving vehicles have inconsistent speeds when driving uphill and downhill
Other Users Large vehicles may provide a wind blast that can move smaller vehicles when passing. It is easy to underestimate the amount of time needed to pass larger vehicles
Exiting an Expressway
Parts of an Expressway Exit An expressway exit has two components: Exit Ramp The Deceleration Lane — gives the driver the time and space needed to adjust his/her vehicle’s speed to the slower posted ramp speed without disrupting the flow of traffic on the expressway. The Exit Ramp — allows traffic to enter an adjoining roadway. Deceleration Lane
Identify the Exit Early Exits are marked with guide signs, usually one to two miles before the exit. You can determine if an exit is a right exit or a left exit by the position of the exit number on the sign. So, Exit 45A is a right exit, because in this picture the exit number on the upper right-hand side of the sign. About one-half mile (20- to 30- seconds) before the exit, signal and move to the lane closest to the deceleration lane.
Mile Markers In Virginia, exit numbers correspond with mile marker numbers.
Exiting an Expressway If you miss the exit, do not stop and/or back up on the expressway or ramp. Take the next exit and turn around.
Exiting the Expressway Signal Maintain speed while on the expressway Use mirrors to check behind and to the sides Check mirror blindzones Move into deceleration lane Prepare to decelerate quickly Exit Ramp Deceleration Lane Deceleration Lane
Deceleration Lane Enter Deceleration Lane by easing over several of the broken lines Release Accelerator and Cancel Signal Check Rear and Begin Braking Deceleration Lane
Adjusting Exit Speed Brake to Warning Sign Speed — Check Behind Scan New Path of Travel to the Front Search for Traffic Control Signs or Signals Exit Ramp Deceleration Lane
Weave Lane Traffic entering and exiting the expressway uses the same lane. To avoid a conflict, the driver in the BLUE car entering from the entrance ramp must yield the right-of-way to the driver in the RED car who is leaving the expressway.
Weave Lane Conflicts Traffic on exit ramp Short deceleration lane prior to sharp curve Very slow ramp speed
Don’t forget to take Section 4 Day 2 Quiz on Class Work Read Page 211 in your drivers education book. List any four guidelines for managing space on the highway. Save these to be turned in with your test. Don’t forget to take Section 4 Day 2 Quiz on