About Miss Yau Fourth year in teaching Second year in Year 2 Believes in the power of reading Advocate of fun learning Open door policy.
Time table
Behaviour, Expectations and Rewards The whole school approach is continued in Year 2. Special mentions Times tables reward certificates Class pet House points Star of the day Traffic light system Class stickers – whole class reward Individual stickers Head teacher sticker Develop independence in learning through: 3 before me and using the help desk Use of the working wall to support learning PE kits Reading wallets and reading records Refer to posters in the classroom
Topics Science: PE: Properties and changes of materials Living things and their habitats Earth and Space Light Animals including humans Forces and magnets PE: Dance Hockey Cricket Netball Gymnastics Rounders Athletics Fencing Tennis Rugby English and Maths will follow the statutory national curriculum. Genres and topics will be outlined on the terms newsletter and through homework. The topics we are specifically focussing on in Year 5 are……
Year 2 SATS At the end of Year 2, children will take SATs in: Reading (2 papers) Maths (1 arithmetic, 1 reasoning) English spelling, grammar and punctuation is optional. We opted out last year. SATs have to be carried out during May but there are no set dates nationally – this will be a school decision.
RE: Computing: Languages: Topics Art and DT: Music: PSHCE: Columns/ Mosaics Line and tone Artist Study: Augustus Pugin Painting – still life Artist Study: Claude Monet Painting / Collage Artist Study: Gustav Klimt DT – Structures, Food Technology and Mechanical Systems Music: OUR COMMUNITY (Performance) SOLAR SYSTEM (Listening) AT THE MOVIES (Composition) LIFE CYCLES (Structure) KEEPING HEALTHY (Beat) CELEBRATION (Performance) PSHCE: Money matters Relationships and their difficulties Bullying Alcohol The skin Preparing for puberty Computing: The Railway Children (how computers work) Scratch (programming) Michael Morpurgo (data & information) Online photos / Digital citizenship / What is spam? (e-safety) Greek mythology (programming King Arthur (programming) RE: Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and Islam Languages: Weather forecasts, body parts, colours, buying objects - money
Spelling Analysis of school data leads us to focus on the teaching and learning of Spellings. Our aim is to improve Spellings in independent writing. Learning Spellings should be a purposeful and meaning exercise that children can then become independent in applying spelling rules. Children will be supported in their learning of word spellings by their patterns and frequency. Our new system for Spellings this year will be reviewed each term. Up dates and changes will be notified. Rationale: Spelling remains the most relentlessly tested of all the literacy skills, but it is the least taught. Sending a list of words home one week to then be tested the following week is not teaching effective strategies for learning.
Spelling How to help your child: Use the curriculum newsletter to look at spelling patterns given and encourage your child to include words with the patterns in their home work. They could think of words with that spelling rule in and using the meaning of the word correctly write the word in a sentence. Investigating words supports retention of spelling rules and helps your child to apply the rule to other words. Useful websites: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/english/spell ing_grammar/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/game/en19patt -game-wordsearch-ould
Year 5 Visits and Trips Lledr Hall Residential in Autumn – support our topic about rivers and mountains Jodrell Bank in February 2018 Bike Ability – Spring term 2018
Year 5 Residential – Autumn Term 2 (13th – 17th November)
Homework Curriculum/English Home work will be given out on a Monday. Dates can be found on the Newsletter. One way to support your child will be to use the newsletter to see the grammar, punctuation and spelling we are focusing on during the term and try to encourage your child to use them in their work. This will support learning being embedded – moving from the short term memory into the long term memory. Maths Home work is weekly, given out on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday. Times tables will be done throughout the week. Children will also be given opportunities in the morning time to practise these. Statutory spellings will also be practised in the morning time along with additional learning of the weeks spelling pattern. Reading at home should be carried out 4 times a week and reading records signed. House points will be awarded for reading each week and this is monitored in school.
Class Pet(s) For the first time at Grappenhall Heys we are having a class pet. Year 5 will be responsible for the day to day care of the snails. As part of our Science we will investigate how these animals live.
Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.