Session Number 19 What’s New in Banner Student Part B – Post-registration Events Antonio Trepesowsky: BSFC CalB SGHE Brent Johnson: Senior Consultant Banner UDC
Post-registration Events Agenda 8.0 Mass Entry—Admissions, General Student, Registration, Graduation 8.0 Incomplete Grade Processing 8.0 SSB Graduation Application 8.1 Athletic Compliance 8.1 3rd Party Processing 8.0 FLAC—Faculty Load And Compensation 8.0 Catalog Extract and Load 8.0/8.2 Student Internationalization 8.0 Manual Roll of Curricula (IPEDS update and CAPP XML output)
Mass Entry Forms 8.0 Improves and reduces data entry of Admissions and General Student information Adds a standard set of mass entry forms for Search, Update Criteria and Search Results Provides ability to use population selection Adds ability to send student letter Audits mass entry usage Finds and displays all updates, successful and not successful Holds mass update later for batch
Mass Entry Forms 8.0 New Mass Update Forms Have Been Added Admissions Mass Entry Form (SAAMAPP) General Student Mass Entry Form (SGAMSTU) Registration Mass Entry Form (SFAMREG) Mass Entry Audit Form (SOAMAUD) 8.1 Mass Entry Athletic Compliance Form (SGAMSPT) Existing Academic History Mass forms updated SHAMDEG, SHAMDIP, SHAMUDI, SHAMCAT, SHAMUCA New Reports/Processes Process Mass Entry Report (SORMEBP) Purge Mass Entry Audit Process (SOPMAUD)
Admissions Example...
Here is an admissions mass update page Here is an admissions mass update page. Enter query data or PopSel information…
Enter what you want to update on the records for the population selected…
Select All or subset of the records Select All or subset of the records. Submit for immediate update or hold for batch update later.
Updates are made and Messages are noted for any errors encountered on each record.
Registration Example...
Similar functionality for Registration Similar functionality for Registration. How about Mass Add/Drop or swap sections of registered students from 8am to the 2pm class?
Enter the Block, Adds, or Drops you want to make Enter the Block, Adds, or Drops you want to make. In this case, we are DROPing a CRN for all students.
Error checking for the changes you are making???
In this example, I will drop on 1 of the 5 students to show how it works…
Notice the Messages show only the record I selected was updated.
Audit Trails anyone?
What was targeted for updates?
Who was updated?
Incomplete Grade Processing 8.0 Automates the process for incomplete grade changes based on institution-based policies and practices Allows Registrar to define default permanent grades and time limits Converts incomplete grade automatically in permanent history records after time expiration Displays default grade and expiration date on administrative grading forms Optionally, allows instructor to specify default grade and date for specific courses Provides Student with Self Service view of expiration date and default grade for all incomplete course work
Incomplete Grade Processing 8.0 New Forms Incomplete Grade Rule Form (SHAINCG) Changed Forms Term Control Form (SOATERM) Class Roster Form (SFASLST) Class Attendance Roster Form (SFAALST) Grade Code Maintenance Form (SHAGRDE) Course Maintenance Form (SHATCKN) New Reports & Processes Incomplete Grade Process (SHRCINC) Changed Reports & Processes Grade Roll to Academic History (SHRROLL)
Which grades are used in Incomplete Grade Processing along with their default grade when the incomplete is not fulfilled. .
Date for default grade extension – may be changed by instructor.
Create Incomplete Grade Rules
Instructor assigns an Incomplete or “I” grade to a student
Page appears to change the default grade or change extension date if permitted.
There is a summary page for the instructor to view all Incomplete grades assigned.
Grades are rolled.
Incomplete Process Runs and updates records…
Records are updated.
SSB Graduation Application 8.0 Enables Student to submit intent to graduate information so graduation evaluation and plans can be initiated Provides ability to apply and view graduation application on line Configures rules to control applications to graduate via Student Self-Service Provides the ability to submit and pay fees for an application to graduate via Banner Student Self-Service Saves graduation application information for re-use Adds new option to roll learner curriculum to outcome
SSB Graduation Application 8.0 New Forms Graduation Application Status Validation Form (STVGAST) Graduation Application Display Rule Code Validation Form (STVGADR) Self Service Graduation Application Display Rules Form (SHAGADR) Graduation Application Display Rule Selection Form (SHAGADS) Graduation Application Eligibility Rules Form (SHAGELR) Graduation Application Form (SHAGAPP) Changed Forms General Student Form (SGASTDN) Student Course Registration Form (SFAREGS) Degree and Other Formal Awards Form (SHADEGR) Archived Learner Curriculum Query Form (SOIHCUR) New Report/Process Roll Learner to Outcome Process (SHRROUT)
Determine what types of graduation applications are available.
Determine dates of graduation and when applications are available.
Determine Eligibility Rules for receiving graduation applications.
Determine who gets targeted which application.
Can manually create a graduation application; create in batch; or student can apply from self-service.
Student can see their graduation application online after it is entered.
Athletic Compliance 8.0 Allows you to track athletic status and eligibility in compliance with NCAA requirements Term effective set up (with copy feature on the form as well as a mass form and batch process) to track changes in eligibility and seasons of completion Ability to track Academic Progress of an athlete
Athletic Compliance 8.0 New Forms Changed Forms Changed Report/Process Athletic Academic Progress (SGAAPRG) Mass Entry Athletic Compliance (SGAMSPT) Athletic Compliance Inquiry Form (SGISPRT) Validation Tables: Degree Completion Change Reason, Athletic Attribute, Athletic Academic Eligibility, Athletic Qualifier Status, Athletic Competition Reason, Athletic Residency Exception, Athletic Transfer Status Changed Forms General Student Form (SGASTDN) Athletic Compliance Form (SGASPRT) Mass Entry Audit Form (SOAMAUD) Changed Report/Process General Student Purge Process (SGPSTDN) Process Mass Entry Report (SORMEBP) Purge Mass Entry Audit Process (SOPMAUD)
3rd Party Processing 8.1 Upload a list of students in a 3rd party contract from a text file Record details about a payment from a 3rd party either manually or uploaded from a text file Application/unapplication updated to reference 3rd party payment detail In an overpayment, credit can be transferred to the student or 3rd party as desired
3rd Party Processing 8.1 New Forms Changed Forms New Report/Process Contract Payment Detail Form (TSACPDT) Contract Review Form (TSACONR) Changed Forms Student Account Review Form (TSAACCT) Student Account Detail Review Form (TSAAREV) Student Account Detail Form (TSADETL) Student Foreign Currency Detail Form (TSADETF) Unapplication of Payment Form (TSAUNAP/TFAUNAP) New Report/Process Contract Student Load (TSPCSTU) Contract Payment Detail Load (TSPCPDT) Changed Report/Process TGRAPPL/TGRUNAP
Faculty Load And Compensation 8.0 The Faculty Load and Compensation enhancement automatically calculates faculty load payroll compensation in Banner Human Resources, based on faculty course load data from Banner Student. The matching faculty assignment is then automatically created in Banner Human Resources in the Faculty Load and Compensation module.
Faculty Load And Compensation 8.0 New Forms Course Labor Distribution Form (SCACLBD) Schedule Labor Distribution Form (SSACLBD) Changed forms Schedule Form (SSASECT) Faculty Assignment Form (SIAASGN) Changed Reports and Processes Term Roll Report (SSRROLL) Schedule Purge (SSPSCHD) New Control Forms in HR
Catalog Extract and Load 8.0 Exchange course catalog data for transfer articulation with other Banner Schools Extract the catalog into XML format (available from SSB catalog search results page) Import the catalog to SHATATC (ability to store description and attributes added) Ability to protect SHATATC records from update Ability to select course records to update Ability to copy existing SHATATC from one institution code to another
Catalog Extract and Load 8.0 Changed Forms Transfer Institution Catalog Entry (SHATATC) Transfer Course Articulation (SHATATR) Source Background Access (SOASBGA) New Report/Process Course Catalog Data Extract (SCRCATE) Transfer Catalog Data Import (SHRTCIM) JAVA Process Catalog Web Service Process
Student Internationalization 8.0/8.2 8.0 Switch to Unicode characters allows for accent symbols and supports non-English alphabets. 8.0 New Additional ID tab on SPAIDEN 8.0 Expanded General Person fields 8.2 Four new fields now available on contact forms: Last Name Prefix, House number, Street line 4, and Telephone Country Code. These new fields are initially masked using Banner masking and would need to be unmasked for use after upgrade.
Student Internationalization 8.0/8.2 SPAIDEN Current Name value has been enhanced to reference Last Name Prefix. Thus all reports that display name information are automatically updated Every form that uses Address values or phone values has been updated in both INB and SSB All jobs that reference address values have been updated The data only displays if data exists AND the elements have been de-masked
Manual Roll of Curricula Ability to roll curricula records from SGASTDN or SFAREGS independent of the roll grade process. Assists with synchronizing General Student record with degree records Curricula can be rolled to a Graduation Application SHAGAPP or directly to Degree records SHADEGR Rolled grades can be automatically applied to the degree Clarification of processing for deleting learner records
Manual Roll of Curricula Changed Forms General Student Form (SGASTDN) Student Course Registration Form (SFAREGS) Degree and Other Formal Awards Form (SHADEGR) Archived Learner Curriculum Query Form (SOIHCUR) Learner Curriculum Query Form (SOILCUR) Curriculum Rules Control Form (SOACTRL) Academic History Control Form (SHACTRL) Graduation Application Form (SHAGAPP) New Report/Process Roll Learner to Outcome Process (SHRROUT) Changed Reports/Process Learner Curriculum Purge (SOPLCPG) General Student Purge (SGPSTDN) Student Type Update Report (SHRTYPE)
Post-registration Events Questions?