CHAPTER NEW CHAPTER Movement and Forces the BIG idea


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Presentation transcript:

CHAPTER NEW CHAPTER Movement and Forces the BIG idea Muscles and bones provide forces and levers to move the body. 10.1 The skeletal system provides support and protection. 10.2 The muscular system makes movement possible. 10.3 Muscles exert forces. 10.4 Bones and joints act as levers. CHAPTER OUTLINE CHAPTER RESOURCES

The skeletal system provides support and protection. 10.1 The skeletal system provides support and protection. CALIFORNIA Content Standards 7.5.c Students know how bones and muscles work together to provide a structural framework for movement. 7.6.h Students know how to compare joints in the body (wrist, shoulder, thigh) with structures used in machines and simple devices (hinge, ball-and-socket, and sliding joints). skeletal system axial skeleton appendicular skeleton joint cartilage CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE

The skeletal system provides support and protection. 10.1 The skeletal system provides support and protection. The skeleton is the body’s framework and has two main divisions, Bones are living tissue. skeletal system axial skeleton the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton. appendicular skeleton axial skeleton Bones come together at joints. joint cartilage appendicular skeleton CHAPTER RESOURCES SIMULATION Assemble a virtual skeleton. SECTION OUTLINE

The muscular system makes movement possible. 10.2 The muscular system makes movement possible. CALIFORNIA Content Standards 7.5.c Students know how bones and muscles work together to provide a structural framework for movement. muscular system skeletal muscle smooth muscle potato plant cardiac muscle tuber CHAPTER RESOURCES plant cell SECTION OUTLINE starch granules

The muscular system makes movement possible. 10.2 The muscular system makes movement possible. muscular system Type of Muscle Function skeletal muscle Skeletal muscle, voluntary Moves bones, maintain posture and body temperature smooth muscle potato plant cardiac muscle Moves internal organs, such as the intestines Smooth muscle, involuntary tuber Pumps blood throughout the body Cardiac muscle, involuntary CHAPTER RESOURCES plant cell SECTION OUTLINE starch granules

10.3 CALIFORNIA Content Standards Muscles exert forces. 7.5.c Students know how bones and muscles work together to provide a structural framework for movement. 7.6.h Students know how to compare joints in the body (wrist, shoulder, thigh) with structures used in machines and simple devices (hinge, ball-and-socket, and sliding joints). force simple machine CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE

10.3 Muscles exert forces. • Muscles provide forces that produce motion. force • Parts of the body act as simple machines. simple machine CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE

Bones and joints act levers. 10.4 Bones and joints act levers. CALIFORNIA Content Standards 7.6.i Students know how levers confer mechanical advantage and how the application of this principle applies to the musculoskeletal system. lever fulcrum input force output force mechanical advantage CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE

Bones and joints act levers. 10.4 Bones and joints act levers. • A bone acts as a lever with a joint as its fulcrum. lever • Levers can be arranged in different ways. fulcrum input force output force mechanical advantage SIMULATION Explore how a lever works. CLASSZONE.COM CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE

10.1 The skeletal system provides support and protection. I. The skeletal system provides support and protection. skeletal system A. The skeleton is the body’s framework. axial skeleton 1. The Axial Skeleton appendicular skeleton 2. The Appendicular Skeleton joint B. Bones are living tissue. cartilage C. Joints connect parts of the skeletal system. 1. Immovable and Slightly Movable Joints 2. Freely Movable Joints CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY

The muscular system makes movement possible. 10.2 The muscular system makes movement possible. II. The muscular system makes movement possible. muscular system A. Muscles perform important functions. skeletal muscle 1. Movement smooth muscle 2. Maintaining Body Temperature cardiac muscle 3. Maintaining Posture B. Your body has different types of muscle. 1. Skeletal Muscle 2. Smooth Muscle 3. Cardiac Muscle C. Skeletal muscles, tendons, and joints allow bones to move. CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY D. Muscles grow and heal.

10.3 Muscles exert forces. III. Muscles exert forces. A. Muscles provide forces that produce motion. simple machine B. Forces act along the muscles. C. More than one force affects your body. D. Some body parts act like simple machines. 1. Pulleys 2. Inclined Planes 3. Levers CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY

Bones and joints act levers. 10.4 Bones and joints act levers. IV. Bones and joints act levers. lever A. The body uses levers. fulcrum B. Levers can change the effects of a force. input force 1. Fulcrum 2. Input Force and Output Force output force 3. Changing Force Size and Movement Distance mechanical advantage C. Different lever arrangements serve different purposes. 1. Mechanical Advantage CHAPTER RESOURCES 2. Classes of Levers D. The body’s levers can be used effectively. KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY

Image Gallery Click on the icons to see a larger image or animation. CHAPTER HOME Image Gallery Click on the icons to see a larger image or animation. SIMULATION Assemble a virtual skeleton. SIMULATION Explore how a lever works. CLASSZONE.COM

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