TE/EPC activities for YETS 2017-2018 & LS2 LINAC 2-3, PSB, PS & TT2 19-10-2017 coordination meeting Yves Gaillard, Serge Pittet TE/EPC on behalf of TE/EPC colleagues
TE/EPC activities during CONTENT TE/EPC activities during YETS 2017-2018 Linac 2: Replacement of LT.BHZ20 power converter Linac 3: Upgrade of Maxidiscap converters in Linac3/LEIR transfer line Replacement of pulsed converters in Linac3/LEIR transfer line PSB Busbar interconnection for new reference magnet QSTRIP power converters Installation of the new power converters for PSB injection BSW magnets (stripping foil) PS POPS degraded mode N1 to be tested PS-MPS (motor/generator set) tests on PS magnets Installation of new power converters for 40/80MHz RF cavities L3-PSB-PS FGC- Ether installation TE/EPC activities during LS2 Linac 2: Power converter consolidation on LT and LTB transfer lines PSB: LIU - Upgrade of power converters PS/TT2: CONS - Upgrade of power converters
Replacement of LT.BHZ20 power converter + 1 spare LINAC2 Replacement of LT.BHZ20 power converter + 1 spare YETS 2017-2018 LT.BHZ20 in b.363 (APOLO 2p) LT.BHZ20 in b.355 (old TEKELEC) Done: Power converters delivered and operating on test load Temporary AC supply and water cooling until LS2 Validation of Beam Permit to L2 Control Room To do during YETS: Disconnect existing DC magnet cables (to bat 355) Connect new DC magnet cables (already installed, to bat 363) Move EIS/PAS connection to new converter (cabling already prepared) Commissioning of the converters with FGC3 (class 63, incl. destination) 1 week testing (Feb 2018) Machine closed WHEN: WHERE: Bdg. 363 Technical responsible: ECR: Christophe MUTIN EDMS 1731301
Upgrade of Maxidiscap converters in Linac3/LEIR transfer line YETS 2017-2018 Description: 10 + 3 Maxidiscap used for the pulsed quadrupole magnets (QDN,QFN) will be upgraded to allow RegFGC3 control and connection to the WIC. Status: Done: Reg. FGC3 crate produced To do during YETS: Replacement old control crate by Reg FC3. Cabling of FGC ether and 230V sockets WIC Connections MIL-1553 Reg FGC3 Project type: LIU-Ions WHEN: 8 first weeks of 2018 WHERE: 351 / 150 Technical responsible: Stephane JOFFE ECR: EDMS 1841822
Replacement of pulsed converters in Linac3/LEIR transfer line YETS 2017-2018 Description: 14 + 2 Minidiscap converters will be replaced by new Mididiscap converters for the supply of pulsed dipoles magnets (DHZ,DVT) in Linac3/LEIR transfer line to allow RegFGC3 control and connection to the WIC. MIL-1553 Status: Done: Power converters produced To do during YETS: Power converters installation Cabling of FGC ether and 230V sockets WIC Connections Reg FGC3 Project type: ACC-CONS WHEN: 8 first weeks of 2018 WHERE: 351 Technical responsible: Christophe MACHADO ECR: EDMS 1841776
Busbar interconnection for new reference magnet PSB Busbar interconnection for new reference magnet YETS 2017-2018 Description: As part of the POPSB project a new busbar will be installed in building 361 close to the actual reference magnet. This busbar will allow us to connect the new reference magnet which will be installed in b245. Status: Done: Power cables installed To do during YETS: DCCT rack moving 90° Busbar installation Cable heads manufacturing WHEN: January 2018 WHERE: 361 Technical responsible: Arnaud BESSONNAT PLAN: 10311
QSTRIP power converters PSB QSTRIP power converters YETS 2017-2018 CANCUN ±100A; ±30V Description: Installation of one post-LS2 Qstrip power converter for loops fine tuning during MD period. Existing infrastructure of a spare corrector will be used (rack, Ethernet, AC,…) Type: RF25kV (25kV/8A) Status: To do during YETS: Installation of one power converter DC cables installation WHEN: Commissioning: February 2018 WHERE: Building 361 Technical responsible: Louis DE MALLAC EDMS: 1537264
PSB YETS 2017-2018 WHERE: WHEN: Bld. 361/BRF2 New Alcove Construction for PSB Injection BSW (stripping foil) Power Converter’s Pulse Transformers YETS 2017-2018 For the new 160MeV beam injection from Linac4 into the PSB, a new set of slow bumper magnets (BSW) has to be supplied by new power converters using pulse transformers. Pulse transformers Status: Done: Converters installed / Alcove ready In progress: pulse transformers final mounting To do during YETS: Transport & Install pulse Transformers + Cabling New Alcove WHEN: WHERE: During second part of YETS 17/18 Bld. 361/BRF2 Technical responsible: ECR: Ch. COUPAT PSB-K-EC-0002
To be tested PS POPS activities YETS 2017-2018 General Maintenance Test degraded mode: To be tested Normal mode Degraded mode N2 has no impacts on physics Degraded mode N1 limits the number of executable cycles to half When: February 2018 Time request: 3 days during Hardware test period Technical responsible: Fulvio BOATTINI
Not used in 2017 No SIEMENS Maintenance PS MPS activities YETS 2017-2018 YETS 2017-2018 Not used in 2017 No SIEMENS Maintenance Only standard CERN Maintenance To do during YETS17/18: Annual test: PS magnet pulsed with PS-MPS Time request: 1 or 2 days 19/20 December 2017 before PS access Technical responsible: Yves GAILLARD
PS Installation of new power converters for 40/80MHz RF cavities YETS 2017-2018 In the current situation, there are five power converters installed in building 151. These 20 years old converters are rated to 100kW (24kV/4A) and will be replaced by five 200kW (25kV/8A) converters plus one spare. Status: Done: One power converter installed. To do during YETS: Installation of five power converters. New supporting structure for the 6th power converter + services + FGC3 Ethernet cable. Five HV DC cables to be installed from bld.355 to RF cavities + patch panel in bld.355. Type: RF25kV (25kV/8A) WHEN: Commissioning: February 2018 WHERE: Building 355 Technical responsible: PS-R-EC-0001 EDMS1839213 for the 6th converter Louis DE MALLAC ECR:
L3-PSB-PS FGC-Ether installation YETS 2017-2018 Technical responsible: Description: FGC-Ether is the network that connecting the converter to a gateway allows the CCC to control and exchange information with any FGC3-based Converter. Building PLAN Project Activities Commissioning time Cabling Gateway 245 10311 Booster MPS Trims Required half day 150 LINAC 3 - LEIR 351 11460 / 11459 355 PS-R-EC-0001 RF25Kv 361 10290 LIU MegaDiscap 10297 LIU - SIRIUS BSW Type: RF25kV (25kV/8A) Status: Done: all requests have been transferred to pertaining groups To do during YETS: all tasks can only be executed whenever the required cables, converters, racks are in place. Technical responsible: J.L. GOMEZ-COSTA
L2 LIU – Upgrade of power converters LS2 WHEN: On the LT and LTB transfer lines, the bending converters for the LINAC4 project will be installed, and the existing power converters not directly affected by LINAC4 will be consolidated. Status: To do during LS2: Install new racks for the Bending, Quad and Steerer power converters in building 363. Install the power converters, their FGC3 controls, and controls infrastructure (gateways, Ethernet cabling). Connect the AC and DC cables (new AC connection required, some new DC cables required). Connect the interlock cables (WIC, BIS). Commission converters with and without beam. Type: RF25kV (25kV/8A) WHEN: Commissioning: April 2020 WHERE: 363 Technical responsible: Stephane JOFFE Pre ECR: 1851780
PSB LIU – Upgrade of power converters LS2 WHEN: POPS B Bldg 245 Status: Done: Correctors power converters To do during LS2: Almost all remaining power converters Test on PSB Magnet with new POPS-B: Dec.2018, Apr/May 2019 RF25kV (25kV/8A) Detailed information available at Injection: http://te-epc-lpc.web.cern.ch/te-epc-lpc/machines/liu-booster/booster_injection.stm 2GeV: http://te-epc-lpc.web.cern.ch/te-epc-lpc/machines/liu-booster/booster_2gev.stm WHEN: Commissioning: April 2020 WHERE: 245, 271, 361 Technical responsible: Serge PITTET & Al. ECR: Expected April 2018
PS/TT2 SIRIUS LIU – Upgrade of power converters LS2 WHEN: Status: To do during LS2: Project Responsible Activity Number of PC Where Inj. PS Bumpers (BSW 40, 41, 43, 44) J.M. Cravero Dismantling old conv., Installation SIRIUS_F2P 4+1 365 inj. PS Bumper (BSW 42) Dismantling old conv., Installation SIRIUS F2P2S 1+1 inj. PS Septa (SMH 42) J.M. Cravero & T. Todorcevic Dismantling old conv., Installation MARXDISCAP 361 inj. PS Low Beta Quadrupoles Installation & commissioning MAXIDISCAP_modif Vertical IPM power converter Unknown Installation & commissioning (Type TBD) 1 TT2 transfer line power converters K. Papastergiou Dismantling old conv., Installation SIRIUS +CANCUN 39+4 269 Type: RF25kV (25kV/8A) Detailed information available at http://te-epc-lpc.web.cern.ch/te-epc-lpc/machines/ps_upgrade/documentation.stm WHEN: Commissioning: April 2020 ECR: Expected April 2018
PS/TT2 CONS – Upgrade of power converters LS2 WHEN: Status: To do during LS2: Project Responsible Activity Number of PC Where PS capa. discharge with MARX T. Todorcevic Dismantling old conv., Installation MARXDISCAP 8+2 365 PS Gamma Transition (Doublets-triplets) N. David Conv. Modification & commissioning 6 PS BSW26 J.-M. Cravero Dismantling old conv., Installation MAXIDISCAP_modif 1 SMH57-61 Control Upgrade S.Pittet Upgrade the GEREG controller to a FGC3 2 356 Type: RF25kV (25kV/8A) WHEN: Commissioning: April 2020 ECR: Expected April 2018