Personal development plan Lepan Tyoden
The biblical example of living by a life objective The example of Jesus Christ John 17:4 The example of the apostle Paul 2 Tim. 4:7-8 c. Example of Bill Bright Founder CCCI/GCMN
The Unique D’s of your life Design Drive Dream Develop The Unique D’s of your life Desire Distraction Doubt Discouragement Deceit
Relationship with God To glorify God Ministry Relationship Goal: Christ Likeness Power: Holy Spirit Method: Total Development Luke 2:52 Ministry Goal: The GC Mt 28:18-20 Method: Spiritual Mult. 2Tim 2:2
Personal Life goals Text: Luke 2:52 “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men”. Set goals for the next one year in the following areas: Spiritual Mental Social Physical Personal Ministry
Personal Ministry Goal 2Tim 2:2 My target area: ___________ God enabling me, in the next one year I will seek to: Expose _______ students to the gospel Disciple _______students
Write the following on top of your sheet Your Full name Your Country Your University Your E-mail address Your Telephone number with country code