11/9 & 11/10 - 7th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about Peripheral Nervous System Collect Reading & Notetaking p.289 & 290 Video : Test your Brain Pass back graded HW & Test Text book Reading p.611 - 620 HW: Reading & Notetaking p.291 & 293
Reflection Prompt: What is a peripheral nervous system? How is it different from the central nervous system?
What is the central nervous system? The cen______ nervous system is the control center of the body. It includes the brain and the spi____ cord. nal
The Brain The three main regions of the brain are the cerebr____, the cerebell___ and the brain stem. um um
The Cerebrum Cerebrum is the largest part of the brain. The cerebrum interprets input from the senses, controls move_____, and carries out learning and remem______ ment bering
The Cerebellum and Brain Stem The cerebellum coordinates muscle action and bal_____ The brain stem controls brea_____and heartbeat ance thing
What is the peripheral nervous system? The peripheral nervous system includes all the nerves located outside of the cen____ nervous system. The peripheral nervous system is involved in both involuntary and volun_____ actions. tral tary
Somatic and Autonomic Nervous System Peripheral nervous system is divided into som_____ and auto________ nervous system Somatic nervous system control voluntary actions (picking up a fork) Autonomic nervous system controls involuntary actions (breathing) atic nomic
Reflex Action When you touch a hot object, the nerve impulses travel the spi_____ cord . The spinal cord tells the motor neur_____ to pull your hand away. As you pull your hand away, nerve impulses travel to the brain and you feel the pain. nal ons
Concussion A concussion is a bruise like injury of the brain. After a concussion, you may have a head_____ for short time. With more serious concussion, you may lose con___________, experience confusion, or feel drowsy. ache sciousness
Chances for concussion per sports Football = 75% Ice Hockey = 54% Lacrosse = 40% Soccer = 20% Wrestling = 20% Basketball = 15%
Signs of a concussion Headache Temporary loss of consciousness Ringing in the ears Nausea Slurred speech Fatigue
What happens during a concussion?
Spinal Cord Injuries Spinal cord injuries occur when the spinal cord is cut or crushed which results in paral_____. Car cr_______ are the most common cause of spinal cord injuries. ysis ashes
Parts of the Eye
side Image is projected up_______ down. Left eye sends the image to the r____ side of the brain. Right eye sends the image to the l____ side of the brain. ight eft