Literary Devices English 134
Elements of Literature Plot Conflict Setting Character Point of View Theme
What is Plot? Plot is the sequence of events within a literary work. The plot of a literary work can be divided into five distinct sections that can even be graphed on a diagram.
A Closer Look at Plot: What are the Five Divisions of Plot? Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution
Plot Line Climax Rising Action Falling Action Resolution Exposition Conflict Introduced
Exposition The Exposition is the introduction. It is the part of the work that introduces the characters, setting, and basic situation.
Rising Action Rising Action is the part of the plot that begins to occur as soon as the conflict is introduced. The rising action adds complications to the conflict and increases reader interest.
Climax The Climax is the point of greatest emotional intensity, interest, or suspense in the plot of a narrative. The climax typically comes at the turning point in a story or drama.
Falling Action Falling Action is the action that typically follows the climax and reveals its results.
Resolution The Resolution concludes the falling action by revealing or suggesting the outcome of the conflict.
What Drives the Plot Within a Literary Work? Conflict The struggle between opposing forces There are two type: External conflict-exist when a character struggles against some outside force. Internal conflict exists within the mind of a character who is torn between different courses of action.
Internal vs. External External Conflict Internal Conflict Man vs. Society Man vs. Nature Man v. Man Internal Conflict Man vs. Himself
What Type of Conflict Does this Picture Represent?
Answer… Man vs. Society… This picture depicts racial discrimination. It was law that African Americans use separate facilities because of their race. Therefore, this is an example of man vs. a rule of society.
What type of Conflict does this picture represent?
Answer… Man vs. Man This 1942 picture illustrates two men in a boxing match
What is Setting? Setting is the time and place of the action. Setting include all details of a place and time—the year, the time of day, even the weather. Details such as dialect, clothing, customs, and modes of transportation are often used to establish setting within a literary work.
Describe the Setting Here within the next picture…
What is the setting here?
What is a Character? Character is a person or an animal that takes part in the action of a literary work Characters can be classified into several groups: Major or Minor Protagonist vs. Antagonist
Major Characters vs. Minor Character Most important character in the entire literary work Minor Characters Characters will a lesser role but whose role is necessary for the story to develop
Protagonist vs. Antagonist The main character in a literary work Antagonist The character or force in conflict with a main character, or protagonist.
What is Point of View? The perspective from which a story is told. 1st person POV 3rd person
What is Theme? The central message, concern, or purpose of a literary work. The theme can be expressed as a generalization, or general statement, about people or life. The theme is often revealed indirectly and the reader may have to look carefully at what the work reveals about people or about life.
What are some themes to literary works you have already read?