Aim: why did Islam spread to many parts of the world as quickly as it did during the first few hundred years of its existence? Key
Early Life of Mohammed 570 CE: Born in Mecca Arabian Peninsula dominated by the Byzantines, Persians, and Ethiopians. 595CE: At the age of twenty five marries a wealthy forty year old widow named Khadija.
Questions When did Islam begin to expand out of the Arabian Peninsula? When did this expansion take place? How quickly did this “expansion” happen? What lands “came under the influence” of Islam? Who did Arab Islamic armies conquer land from? Who stopped the above Islamic expansion? Why did Islam spread to many parts of the world as quickly as it did during the first few hundred years of its existence?
610CE: Received his first revelation from God through the angel Gabriel. 620CE: Hijra (Migration from Mecca to Medina) (Start of the Calendar) (615CE) 622CE: Medina (Yathrib) becomes the capital of the Caliphate. 630CE: Mecca captured by Muslims. 632CE:Mohammed died.
Medina aka Yathrib
Ridda Wars Abu Bakr of the Umayyad clan becomes the Caliph after Mohammed’s death. Various other prophets and successors to the prophet challenged Bakr’s authority. War: chaos in the Caliphate. Various Caliphs are assassinated. Eventually the Umayyads exert their authority.
Shia and Sunni Islam (in terms of political history) Shia believe that the Caliph must be a direct relative or descendent of the family of Mohammed. E.g.: Ali (Mohammed’s cousin and son in law) was the rightful Caliph after the death of the prophet not Abu Bakr. Hussein, Ali’s son, led an uprising against the Umayyads in 680CE. He and his followers were massacred at the Battle of Karbala. Hussein is now revered as a Shia saint. Umayyad’s rule the Caliphate.
Mosque and Shrine to Hussein ibn Ali, Karbala, Iraq
Mosque and Shrine to Hussein ibn Ali, Karbala, Iraq
Questions How quickly did this “expansion” happen? When did Islam begin to expand out of the Arabian Peninsula? When did this expansion take place? How quickly did this “expansion” happen? What lands “came under the influence” of Islam? Who did Arab Islamic armies conquer land from? Who stopped the above Islamic expansion? Why did Islam spread to many parts of the world as quickly as it did during the first few hundred years of its existence?
Islamic Expansion Rapid expansion led by Arab military conquests. 641CE: “Fertile Crescent” and Egypt conquered mostly from the Byzantines. 651CE: All of Persia conquered.
Red Dots with dates = battles 13
654CE: All of North Africa except for Morocco conquered.
Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem.
669CE: Morocco falls to Arab Islamic armies
711CE: Islamic armies begin the conquest of Afghanistan.
710CE: Invasion of Spain begins and by
718CE almost the entire Iberian Peninsula is under Islamic control.
Questions Who stopped the above Islamic expansion? When did Islam begin to expand out of the Arabian Peninsula? When did this expansion take place? How quickly did this “expansion” happen? What lands “came under the influence” of Islam? Who did Arab Islamic armies conquer land from? Who stopped the above Islamic expansion? Why did Islam spread to many parts of the world as quickly as it did during the first few hundred years of its existence?
717CE: The attempted capture of Constantinople fails.
732CE: The Islamic invasion of France is halted at the Battle of Tours by Charles Martel leader of the Franks.
Charles Martel
Chop Chop Chop Stab Stab
711CE 5
800CE 6
Red Dots with dates = battles ? 13
800CE 1
Questions When did Islam begin to expand out of the Arabian Peninsula? When did this expansion take place? How quickly did this “expansion” happen? What lands “came under the influence” of Islam? Who did Arab Islamic armies conquer land from? Who stopped the above Islamic expansion? Why did Islam spread to many parts of the world as quickly as it did during the first few hundred years of its existence?
Fin But wait… there’s more… if you have time.
Ummayad vs. Abassid Caliphate / Dynasty Abassid clan also related to Mohammed. Overthrew the Umayyads in 750CE, massacred nearly all of them, and controlled nearly all of the Islamic world except for Spain. Moved the capital to from Damascus to Baghdad. Ruled until 1258CE until Baghdad and Abassid power destroyed by the Mongols.
the Umayyads remained in control of (parts of) Spain until 1492. Note that the Umayyads remained in control of (parts of) Spain until 1492.
BTW, know what the Arabs called the French BTW, know what the Arabs called the French? It’s a word derived from the word Frank. Ferengi (faranj, farangi) meaning Frank, then used as a derogatory word for Europeans, Christians and foreigners in general, …and on Star Trek too.
How rapid was that expansion? What stopped the expansion of Islam? Aim: why did Islam spread to many parts of the world as quickly as it did during the first few hundred years of its existence? Where did it spread? How did Islam spread from the Arabian Peninsula to other parts of the world? How rapid was that expansion? What allowed for that expansion to take place (how it did, when it did)? What stopped the expansion of Islam?
Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain. To what extent is this palace an Umayyad Spain Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain. To what extent is this palace an example of cultural diffusion?
Interior of the Alhambra
Interior of the Alhambra
Aim: to what extent did Islam become a major world religion during the first few centuries of its existence?
Aim: why did Islam spread to many parts of the world as quickly as it did during the first few hundred years of its existence?
800CE 1
711CE 5
800CE 6
Red Dots with dates = battles 13
Aim: why did Islam spread to many parts of the world as quickly as it did during the first few hundred years of its existence?
Questions When did Islam begin to expand out of the Arabian Peninsula? When did this expansion take place? How quickly did this “expansion” happen? What lands “came under the influence” of Islam? Who did Arab Islamic armies conquer land from? Who stopped the above Islamic expansion? Why did Islam spread to many parts of the world as quickly as it did during the first few hundred years of its existence?