Sustainability and Environment in the context of Fire Futures
Effectiveness & Efficiency Value for Money… Shared Services (Private and Public Sector) Back Office? Senior Management? Frontline? Optimum size of a Fire Service Political as well as Organisational
Localism and Accountability What comes next after CAA? Sector –led assurance? LGA/CFOA or CFRAU as HSE-style “Inspectorate”? How can Residents hold FRA’s to account? Changes to Governance Structures? Local vs. National Performance Indicators?
Big Society & Localism What do they mean? Big Society – local people taking responsibility for their own environment and actions Localism – Services / Organisations coming together to tackle locally prioritised concerns and achieve specific outcomes
Where’s the Catch? Local Priorities versus Global Priorities Climate Change (Mitigation & Adaptation) Olympics National Resilience – Major Incidents (where’s the military these days?) Shared Services tackling Local Priorities How can we “Invest to Save” when nothing to invest?
Silver Lining Fire & Rescue Service as a key delivery / protection function for society in relation to both the impacts of Climate Change and the wider Resilience Agenda
Where does that leave us? Developing our own framework for performance management that could be used as a benchmark / comparator tool by FRS’s Providing Good Practice guidance to FRS’s in relation to both Adaptation and Mitigation…. Championing the Sustainability & Climate Change Agenda within a Local context??