Status of the NICA project at JINR V.Kekelidze, A.Kovalenko, R.Lednicky, V.Matveev, I.Meshkov, A.Sorin, G.Trubnikov - Joint Institute for Nuclear Rsearch Dubna NICA Volga river 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia NICA (Nuclotron based Ion Colider fAcility) – the flagship project in HEP of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) Main targets of “NICA Complex”: - study of hot and dense baryonic matter - investigation of nucleon spin structure, polarization phenomena - development of accelerator facility for HEP @ JINR providing intensive beams of relativistic ions from p to Au polarized protons and deuterons with max energy up to √SNN= 11 GeV (Au79+) and =27 GeV (p) 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia Synchrotron Nuclotron, in operation since 1993 – based on superconducting magnets developed in Dubna Nuclotron provides accelerated proton and ion beams (up to Xe42+, A=124) with energies up to 6 AGeV (Z/A = 1/2) 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
KRION-6T+HILac (3MeV/u) Complex NICA Collider basic parameters: √sNN = 4-11 GeV; beams: from p to Au; L~1027 cm-2 c-1 (Au), ~1032 cm-2 c-1 (p) Collider NICA (1-4.5 GeV/u, C=503 m) KRION-6T+HILac (3MeV/u) Booster (600 MeV/u) MultiPurpose Detector - MPD SPD MPD BM@N Accelertor complex LHEP existing with fixed targets Experiments bld. 205 NUCLOTRON 0.6-4.5 GeV/u PS and LU-20 (5MeV/u) In preparation Комплекс свехпроводящих ускорителей NICA и экспериментальных установок представлен на этом слайде. Синим показаны существующие объекты: линак на 20 МэВ, Нуклотрон Зона для экспериментов с фиксированными мишенями на выведенных из нуклотрона пучках. Красным – то, что Предстоит построить и запустить: новый линак для тяжелых ионов; бустер – промежуточный этап ускорения для достижения большей интенсивности; коллайдер с периметром около 500 м; установку BM@N для экспериментов с фиксированной мишенью; установку MPD на первом пересечении пучков коллайдера и установку SPD на втором пересечении . Коллайдер рассчитан на диапазон энергий от 4 до 11 ГэВ для ускорения золота с рекордной для тяжелых ионов светимостиью 1027 см-2 с-1. 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
NICA – basic milestones The project of NICA complex is approved 2010 The 1-st stage of Nuclotron modernization is completed 2010 10 runs have been carried out are in 2010 – 2014 The projects: approval – completion accelerator complex 2010 – 2019 MPD (MultiPurpose Detector) 2010 – 2019 experiment with fixed target BM@N (I stage) 2012 - 2017 The project preparation for Spin Physics Detector (SPD) is in progress Основные этапы создания комплекса NICA в 2010 году утвержден проект NICA и завершен I этап модернизации Нуклотрона, начаты работы по ускорительному комплексу и многоцелевому детектору MPD (MultiPurpose Detector) , которые завершатся в 2019. С 2012 года готовится эксперимент с фиксированной мишенью - детектор BM@N (I этап),первые результаты с которого ожидаются в 2017 - Идет подготовка проекта Spin Physics Detector (SPD) 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia Status of the accelerator complex 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
Krion-6Т (Electron String Ion Source) Project parameters: magnetic filed up to 6.0 Т, electron energy up to 15 keV Test bench in 2013: B= 5.4 T reached in a robust regime; produced beams: Au30+÷ Au32+, 6108 ppp, repetition rate 50 Hz preparation for the run at the Nuclotron - May 2014 Krion-6T at LU-20, HV platform (Run #50) 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia HILac: high current (10 mA) heavy ion Linac, the first Linac with transistor RF amplifier Design and fabrication by “BEVATECH OHG” Germany, Offenbach/Main, to be delivered at JINR in 2015 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia RFQ Tank(2014 May, 98% readiness ) Gaps along cavity IH2 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
Stochastic Cooling System Spectrum analyzer SCS at Nuclotron - is a prototype for the NICA Collider: W= 2-4 HGz, P = up to 60 W Collaboration: JINR-IKP FZJ-CERN pW Coasting beam Ring slot-coupler RF structure (design FZJ) CF span 200 MGz pW Die Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (FZJ) Bunched beam CF span 200 MGz Experimental results (2013): stochastic cooling of the carbon (C6+) beam, E = 2.5 GeV/u 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
Electron cooling system for Collider Design drawing of the HV tank E_max, MeV 2.5 Cooling section length, m 6.0 Electron beam current, A 0.5-1 Electron beam radius, cm 1 B field at cooling section, T 0.1-0.3 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia The Booster Booster synchrotron: C = 211m, 25 T*m, 600 MeV/u for Au31+ ultra high vacuum, electron cooling Dipole SC magnet Synchrophasotron yoke Quadrupole SC magnet 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia 12
V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia The Collider 45 T*m, 4.5 GeV/u for Au79+ SPD Ring circumference, m 503,04 Number of bunches 22 r.m.s. bunch length, m 0,6 b, m 0,35 max. Ion Energy, Gev/u 4,5 r.m.s. Dp/p, 10-3 1,6 IBS growth time, s 2500 Peak Luminosity, cm-2 s-1 1x1027 Intra- Beam Scattering (IBS) MPD Double aperture magnets: dipole & quadrupole prototypes 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
Magnet assembly workshop at LHEP JINR ~ 450 SC magnets will be assembled & tested in the workshop for NICA & SIS-100 FAIR Starts production in 2014 the cable machine area for SC coil fabrication 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
JINR cryogenic complex Technical design project is in the final stage: new helium liquefier-plant. The cooling power will be doubled up to 8 kW @ 4.5K with new plant; 2 new screw compressors are under production The bld. 32 will be reconstructed to accommodate the new Cryo Complex 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
MultiPurpose Detector (MPD) Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron (BM@N) Experiments at NICA: MultiPurpose Detector (MPD) at the Collider and Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron (BM@N) at extracted Nuclotron beam 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia Physics QCD matter at NICA : Highest net baryon density Energy range covers onset of deconfinement Complementary to the RHIC/BES, FAIR and CERN experimental programs NICA FAIR & NICA Bulk properties, EOS - particle yields & spectra, ratios, femtoscopy, flow In-Medium modification of hadron properties Deconfinement (chiral), phase transition at high rB - enhanced strangeness production QCD Critical Point - event-by-event fluctuations & correlations Strangeness in nuclear matter - hypernuclei 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
Expected region of phase transition at max baryonic density Present and future HI machines Fixed target: L-limited by detectors Colliders: scale of L, in cm-2s-1 Expected region of phase transition at max baryonic density SIS-18 (GSI) Nuclotron-M (JINR) SPS (NA-49/61, CERN) AGS (BNL) RHIC (BNL) Booster (JINR) NICA (JINR) SIS-100 (FAIR) SIS-300 (FAIR) 2 4 6 8 20 40 60 80 for Au+Au 1 10 102 20?? 1027 1025 1023 2019 2019 2017 BES in operation √SNN, GeV 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
NICA White Paper – International Effort Statistics of White Paper Contributions 111 contributions: 188 authors from 70 centers in 24 countries Indicates wide international interest to the physics at MPD & BM@N 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia 19
V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia MPD detector for Heavy-Ion Collisions @ NICA FFD Tracking: up to |h|<2 (TPC) PID: hadrons, e, g (TOF, TPC, ECAL) Event characterization: centrality & event plane (ZDC) Stage 1: TPC, TOF, ECAL, ZDC, FD Stage 2: IT + Endcaps (tracker, TOF, ECAL) Superconducting solenoid: high level (~ 10-4) of magnetic field homogeneity B0=0.66 T Correction coils (warm) Status: technical design – completed; survey for producers 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia TPC- technical project approved, fabrication stage Dia. =3000 mm, L = 3400 mm, FEE = 120 000 ch, dp/p < 2% FEC-64 prototype (ALTERA FPGA, ALTRO, PASA chips) Cylinder C3 manufactured in Dec. 2013 Cylinder C2, preparation for vacuum tests R140 cm, L=3.4 m 4 mm thickness 0,1 mm precision 27 cm, l=3.4 m 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia Time of Flight system (TOF) Fast Forward Detector (FFD): production stage mRPC – TDR has been prepared, ready for mass production Provides: T0 for TOF, beam adjustment & collision L0-trigger Zhu Weipinga, Wang Yi, Feng Shengqin, Wang Jingbo, Huang Xinjie, Shi Li, V. Babkin, V. Golovatyuk, M. Rumiantсev, G. Eppley, T. Nussbaum, NIM A 735, 277–282, 2014 The achieved time resolution is better than required required efficiency, rate capability & time resolution are reached 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
Calorimetry ECAL – TDR - in preparation Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC): TDR stage L ~35 cm (~ 14 X0), Pb+Scint. (4x4 cm2) read-out: WLS fibers + MAPD ZDC coverage: 2.2<|h|< 4.8 Energy resolution 2.5% / √E Time resolution 80 psec / √E Pb-scintillator sampling (5l) Read-out: fibers+ AvalanchePD σ(E)/(E) = 55%/√E(GeV) +2% +16%/ 4√E(GeV) ZDC provides required resolution Preparation for tests with electron beams at DESY (December’13) V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia 3 July 2014
V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia MPD performance for dileptons PID σω≈14 MeV/c2 Hadron suppression up to 10-5 Yields, central Au+Au st √s = 8.8 GeV/u Particle Yields Decay mode BR Effic. % Yield/1 w 4p y=0 r 31 17 e+e- 4.7 . 10-5 35 7.3 . 104 w 20 11 7.1 . 10-5 7.2 . 104 j 2.6 1.2 3 . 10-4 1.7 . 104 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia Hypernuclei @ MPD PID P = 1 GeV/c p d 3He p- Hypernuclei production enhanced at high baryon densities (NICA) Hypertritons 3ΛH → 3He + π – 3ΛH → p + d + π - ~ 106 3ΛH are expected for 10 weeks @ 5A GeV 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia Beam Nuclotron beam intensity (particle per cycle) Current Ion source type New Injector + booster p 31010 Duoplasmotron 1 ÷ 5e1012 d 51010 --- ,, --- 4He 8108 0.5 ÷ 1e1012 d 2108 SPI 0.5 ÷ 1e1010 7Li Laser 1÷ 5e1011 11,10B 1109,8 12C 1109 1÷ 2e1011 24Mg 2107 14N 1107 ESIS (“Krion-6T”) 1÷ 5e1010 40Ar 0.5 ÷ 2e1011 56Fe 2106 1 ÷ 5e1010 84Kr 1104 0.5 ÷ 1e109 124Xe 197Au - 1e109 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia BM@N (Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron): the 1st stage Collaboration of scientific centers: INR, SINP MSU, IHEP + S-PSUniversity (Russia); GSI, Frankfurt U., Gissen U. (Germany): + CBM-MPD IT-Consortium, BM@N schematic view Physics: in-medium effects for strangeness & vector mesons hyperon production hadron femtoscopy electromagnetic probes (optional) 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
GEM station tracking 12 GEM stations: modernized magnet СП-41 1-4 stations strip pitch 0.4 мм 5-12 stations - 0.8 мм strip angles for odd stations: 0, +15∘ modernized magnet СП-41 area prepared for detector allocation L -> p+ p- momentum resolution 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
SPD (Spin Physics Detector) at NICA Collider provides both: transversally & longitudinally polarized p & d with energy up to √S = 27 GeV The issues to be studied: ► MMT-DY processes ► J/Y production processes ► Spin effects in inclusive high-pT reactions ► Spin effects in one and two hadron production processes ► Polarization effects in heavy ion collisions The Collaboration is forming Project is under preparation 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia A.P.Nagaytsev, SPIN-2010, October 1, Juelich 29 29
V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia Concluding remarks NICA complex has a potential for competitive research in the fields of dense baryonic matter and spin physics Construction of the accelerator complex and its elements are in progress Constructions of both detectors BM@N & MPD are progressing as well The SPD project is in preparation The international collaboration around the NICA is growing New partners are invited to join NICA 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia
V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia Thank you! 3 July 2014 V.Kekelidze, ICHEP-2014, Valencia