Plenary session: Broken societies through reconstruction and recovery Bringing stability through environmental programming, science, and institutional strengthening. Cases from South Eastern Europe Plenary session: Broken societies through reconstruction and recovery November 10, 2017 World Science Forum
The REC Founded in 1990, the REC is an international organisation located in Hungary with a network of offices in Central, South East Europe With a mission to assist in solving environmental problems Supporting the free exchange of information and public participation in environmental decision making Has created conflict resolution mechanisms among post-war countries, involving science, capacity building and environmental project implementation Provides a platform to bring countries closer together to European Integration, facilitating multi- stakeholder dialogue, strengthening governance, fostering networking activities
The REC actively participates in key global, regional and local processes and contributes to environmental and sustainability solutions transferring transitional knowledge and experience to countries and regions; It runs projects in EU Member States; EU Enlargement Countries; Eastern Partnership Countries and beyond (MENA, Latin America and Caribbean); WaterSUM project - WASE component and the Water, Growth, Stability Initiative: conflict prevention mechanism to promote a comprehensive and integrated approach to water security and ecosystem services (Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia). It supports the “2030 SD Agenda” - the REC works on all 17 goals and has a track record and expertise in 28% of the targets -47 out of the 169 targets.
Bridging across borders NGOs Sustainability, Climate Change SEA Environmental Financing, LEAPs Awareness Raising, Green Pack Improvement of energy efficiency Grants, training programmes Government The REC Local Governments Business Citizens
Regional Environmental Reconstruction Programme for South Eastern Europe – RERep The countries of South Eastern Europe (SEE) faced severe environmental problems caused both by years of environmental neglect and military conflicts. In 1999 RERep was created to improve the environmental competencies of SEE countries It was a direct response to the imminent need for environmental protection in SEE. REReP was a participatory, flexible and transparent process. It was launched as a regional initiative. It has evolved into newer mechanisms (ECENA, RENA and currently ECRAN) initiatives which promote European integration.
Major achievements and lessons learned Establishing regional cooperation and dialogue, which has contributed to confidence-building and environmental security. Bottom –up approach problem driven agenda Improving the coordination of international assistance to the region with the country ownership of the results and strong political commitment from beneficiary countries. Enhancing cross-border cooperation, capacities of institution and civil societies through training, and information exchange; Partnerships and synergies with complementary national and regional programmes/initiatives; Successful cross-border cooperation through joint activities of SEE in various cross-border sites Strengthening environmental compliance and enforcement; Supporting pilot programmes in SEE; and supporting the environmental NGO movement.
Environment and Security Initiative (ENVSEC) Effective initiative and distinctive partnership aiming to contributes to peace, regional political stability, good governance and environmental sustainability. ENVSEC serves as a tool to reduce tensions and increase cooperation among people with different interests. An initiative established in 2003, contributing to the reduction of environment and security risks through strengthened cooperation among and within countries in four regions: Central Asia, Eastern Europe, Southern Caucasus, and South-Eastern Europe (SEE). ENVSEC has helped governments assess and address environmental and security risks by identifying environment and security hotspots, and confronting challenges through international dialogue and regional cooperation. ENVSEC priorities are the following: - Transboundary Risks from Hazardous Activities - Management of Shared Natural Resources - Governance Through Participatory and Informed decision making - Adaptation to Impacts on Climate Change
ENVSEC- Process and methodology
Lessons learned from ENVSEC in SEE Throughout 14 years, the work of ENVSEC has benefited more than 2 million people living in transboundary river basin areas, in the vicinity of hazardous mining sites, affected by impact of climate change, dam failures, and wild fires among other environmental issues. Support in remediation of environmental hotspots in the Western Balkans still remains as important issue; Further use of Regional studies – on mining, and key issues of access to justice and forest fires - identified key challenges and barriers to implementation; Limited expertise and lack of knowledge continues to represent a major obstacle as adaptation is not yet a main priority for the governments, Valuable contribution of Aarhus Centres in ENVSEC;
Also… Regional reports on EU accession risks posed by industrial and mining legacy sites in the Western Balkans countries were prepared. Detailed Technical Design for acid mine water treatment in Novo Brdo Mine, Artana, Kosovo, were developed. Maintenance plan for passive system for treating acid mine waters in Zuta prla, Rreshen, Fushe-Arrez mines in Albania developed. Assistance in enforcement of UNECE Convention and support to management of shared natural resources (protected areas, transboundary waters, national studies on forest fires). Support to Network of Aarhus centers in Albania (3), Bosnia and Herzegovina (3), Montenegro (3) and Serbia (5).
Conclusions Regional Environmental Initiatives have proved to be an efficient way to bring post- conflict countries together to address pressing environmental issues. How? Facilitating cross-regional dialogue to address security risks related to environmental and climate change as well as sharing lessons learned and best practices. Cross-regional support programmes aimed at strengthening relevant policies, institutions and capacities to address environmental risks. Among the existing challenges in the SEE region: lack of full political support to Environment and climate change policies, implementation of legislation and low public awareness. The involvement of all concerned stakeholders is essential to advance in conflict resolution policies and initiatives, with special focus on the risk nexus between climate, water, energy and food. The starting point of bringing post-conflict countries together is the agreement that environmental issues can be successfully managed in a transnational dimension, therefore, policies, strategic plans and decisions need to be coordinated among countries to achieve the environmental objectives set by international standards.
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