With Technical Assistance Bible Blitz Msgr Ed Thompson And Deacon Norm Kazyk With Technical Assistance Ray Hosler
Act of the Apostles revisited Stones unturned Deacon Norm 1:12 A Sabbath’s Journey – maintaining the traditions Contradictions? Forty days or on the third day? 1:18 Judas – A fall or hanging?
Epistles Epistle means Letter 21 in New Testament 14 attributed to Paul Importance – Earliest writings describing the time before the Gospels
Law of Moses and Natural Law failed to restore man’s friendship with God. That is why Jesus was needed.
The Epistles of Paul Letter to the Romans Ch 1:18-32 Humanity without Christ Ch 2:13-16 The Law Ch 3 Answers objections Ch 3:27 The Law of Faith Ch 4:3 Illustrates Faith by reference to Abraham
Ch 5:8-9 God’s Love Ch 5:12-14 Doctrine of Original Sin Ch 6 & 7 More on Law Ch 8:22 Because of sin even the world partakes of our destiny Ch 8:26-27 The Holy Spirit helps us
Chapters 9 to 11 Fr. Ed V Jews and Gentiles In God’s Plan
Chapter 9 1-5 Paul’s Love for Israel 6-24 God’s Free Choice 25-29 Witness of the Prophets 30-33 Righteousness Based on Faith
Chapter 10 Chapter 11 1-21 Righteousness Based on Faith 1-10 The Remnant of Israel 11-24 The Gentiles’ Salvation 25-29 God’s Irrevocable Call 30-36 Triumph of God’s Mercy
The Duties of Christians Chapters 12 to 15 VI The Duties of Christians
Chapter 12 1-2 Sacrifice of Body & Mind 3-8 Many Parts in One Body 9-21 Mutual Love
Chapter 13 1-7 Obedience to Authority 8-10 Love Fulfills the Law 11-14 Awareness of the End of Time
Chapter 14 Chapter 15 1-12 To Live and Die for Christ 13-23 Consideration for the Weak Conscience Chapter 15 1-6 Patience and Self-Denial 7-13 God’s Fidelity and Mercy
Chapters 15 & 16 VII Conclusion 15:14-21 Apostle to the Gentiles 15:22-33 Paul’s Plans; Need for Prayers
Chapter 16 1-2 Phoebe Commended 3-16 Paul’s Greetings 17-20 Against Factions 21-24 Greetings from Corinth 25-27 Doxology