What parents should know Expectations for Year 4 What parents should know
PUNCTUALITY Children need to be in school on time every morning by 8.55am because they have Early Bird work set for them.
Clothing Please make sure that your child’s name is on every item of their clothing and their PE bags are sent with the right clothing every Monday. PE bags must be left in school during the week and be brought home every Friday. 4D & 4B- Monday 4H & 4G- Wednesday
Homework Children will get homework every Friday. They need to bring their homework book back by Tuesday for it to be marked. Support them with their homework but please do not do it for them. They will be also issued spellings on Fridays to be practised at home as part of the weekly homework. The children will use the Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check strategy to learn their spellings. Spellings will be assessed through a weekly spelling test. Please ensure children use pencils and take care of the presentation in homework books. The children will be using an online programme for maths as part of their homework too. Your child will be given a log in detail and shown how to do this in class. Teachers will set children activities based on what we have been learning in maths that week. This is a great way for you to keep up to date with what we are learning. Children are encouraged to use this even if teachers have not set an activity for them, or if they have completed the activity the teacher has set. Homework
Home reading books We will change their reading books weekly. We are keen for the children to progress in their reading, to do this they need to read aloud daily to an adult. We encourage you to ask your children questions about what they have read. This will help you see if they have understood the text. Please remember to sign and write a short comment in their reading record to communicate to us how they are reading at home.
library Join the local library. Every 2 weeks the children will be visiting the school library. They will borrow a book each time and take it home. Please make sure the children look after those books and bring them back to school on time.
Topics for learning in class We will inform you of the topic for our literacy and numeracy, so you can talk to them about it throughout the week e.g., if we are learning about the Romans, read various non-fiction books on Romans to them and discuss the history. If we are learning about addition, do simple adding at home with them and try and teach the same strategy that we teach at school.
writing Handwriting – practise correct letter formation. However the main focus is joining up letters fluently so please practise this with them.
SWIMMING In Autumn 2, children will be going swimming for two weeks, every day. This will be the week beginning the 13th and 20h November Your child must make sure they have the following equipment with them every day to take part in the sessions. Swimming costume or swimming trunks; Boys –swimming trunks that do not cover their knees Girl – Swimming costumes that are tight to the skin. Both girls and boys need a swimming hat; A towel large enough to dry themselves; Hairbrush; Swimming sock (if they have a verruca); Children need a swimming cap. They will not be allowed to swim without one! A large waterproof bag for their swimming kit (Sports Direct have large plastic bags).
MUSIC Children will be learning to play the ukulele every week. Educational visits will take place in Year 4. We will notify you of these before they take place.
After school clubs If your child signs up for a club and receive a place please ensure they understand that they have made a commitment and need to attend all sessions. Collecting your child after school If you are unable to collect your children after school, it’s your responsibility to let the school know who will be coming to collect them. We cannot release your child to an adult if we have not been informed prior to their collection.