From low temperature physics to nanoscience and thermoelectricity


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Presentation transcript:

From low temperature physics to nanoscience and thermoelectricity 國立交通大學電子物理系 專題演講 From low temperature physics to nanoscience and thermoelectricity Abstract Novel physical properties are often discovered in nanoscale materials, in the first part of the talk, I will show a couple of interesting low temperature researches related to the size effects on specific heat , superconductivity and ferromagnetism in Pd, CeCo2 and CdSe nanoparticles respectively. From the sample fabrication to the experimental measurements and data analysis will be illustrated. In the second part of the talk, I will present the study on thermoelectricity (TE). TE materials are capable of transforming heat to electricity based on Seebeck effect, and vice versa can convert electricity to temperature gradient according to Peltier effect. Facing the emergent issues of energy crisis and global warming, the study of thermoelectricity and its application becomes one of the most important research fields. In the past decades the heat-electricity conversion efficiency η of TE has been greatly improved from 2-5% to 5-10% by taking the advantage of material engineering and nanotechnology. Sample preparation, experimental technique development and the research achievement will be introduced. Time:11/05(Thu.) 13:20-15:10 Place:基礎科學大樓B1 次軒聽 (SC001) Speaker:陳洋元(Yang-Yuan, Chen) , 中央研院物理所 Host:陳煜璋 (Yu-Chang, Chang)