Overview on Evaluation Presentation SCOA 16 November 2016
National Evaluation Policy Framework Approved 2011 Government wide – departments not public entities Obligatory only for evaluations in the national evaluation plan, then widen Focus on policies, plans, implementation programmes, projects, systems (not organisations at this stage as MPAT dealing with this) Partnership between departments and DPME
Evaluation status 54 NEP evaluations completed or underway , >R90 billion of MTEF expenditure, 30 completed (only 15 completed this time 2015) Provincial/dept evaluations starting to be significant - >55 in 2017/18 Stage Nos Approved reports 30 Improvement plans being implemented 17 Served at Cabinet 15 Research process underway Preparation stage 13 Stuck 3 Dropped 5
Building body of evidence Human settlements (7 evaluations and an evidence map) Economic (16 evaluations) Agriculture/rural (6 evaluations) Safety (4 plus 2 more starting) Children (5 evaluations)
Wider evaluation system developing Basic system working - 24 guidelines, standards, competences, courses, over 1700 staff trained, aiming to get training by NSG/others 8 provinces have provincial evaluation plans (except NW), 55 provincial evaluations planned or underway MPAT standard resulting in 29 departmental evaluation plans So evaluation system being institutionalised across government
2011/12 DSD, DBE, DoH Early Childhood Development New policy gazetted and Improvement Plan nearing completion 2012/13 Trade and Industry Business Process Services Programme (BPS) Final report approved by Cabinet. Improvement plan being implemented. Scheme relaunched Basic Education Grade R Final report approved by Cabinet. Improvement plan being implemented. Interventions to address quality. Health, DSD, DAFF, DRDLR, DW Nutrition Programmes addressing Children Under 5 Final report approved by Cabinet. Food and Nutrition Security Plan 2017-2022 completed. DRDLR Land Reform Recapit-alisation and Development Programme Final report approved by Cabinet. Improvement plan being implemented. Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CRDP) Human Settlements Integrated Residential Development Programme (IRDP) Final report approved by steering committee. Improvement plan to be developed Urban Settlements Development Grant (USDG) Final report approved by Cabinet. Changes made already to guidelines.
2013-14 dti Export Marketing Investment Assistance prog (EMIA) dti Export Marketing Investment Assistance prog (EMIA) Final report approved by Cabinet. Improvement plan being implemented. Scheme revised. Support Programme for Industrial Innovation (SPII) Final report approved by Cabinet. Improvement plan being implemented. Scheme relaunched. Technology and Human Resources for Industry(THRIP) Final report approved by Cabinet. Improvement plan being implemented. DMV Economic Empowerment and Skills Transferability Prog. Report approved. Improvement plan being drafted. DMV taken on board recommendations. DST National Advanced Manuf. Techn Strategy (AMTS) Stuck due to administrative and technical difficulties. Evaluation stopped. SARS Tax Compliance Cost for small businesses Draft final report being reviewed. DCOG Community Works Programme Report approved - awaiting management response. DRDLR Land Restitution DAFF Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme (CASP) Report approved. Improvement plan being developed as part of Smallholder evaluation MAFISA DHS Baseline for impact evaluations for informal settlements Final report approved. Improvement plan being developed and about to be presented to cluster. Interventions by DHS to facilitate access to city. Delayed Impact of housing on asset poverty Report approved by steering committee. Improvement plan being developed. To be tabled soon to Cabinet. DPME Outcomes Approach Problems with service provider. Stopped. Presidency Government’s Coordination Systems (clusters, MinMECs)
2014-15 DEA/DMR Effectiveness of Environmental Governance in the Mining Sector (EEGM) Report approved and improvement plan developed. Being used as input for Mining Phakisa. Tabled at cluster and about to go to Cabinet. DHET Policy on Community Education and Training Colleges (PCETC) Report approved. Changes already made to policy before releasing it. To be tabled soon at cluster/Cabinet. DHS Social Housing Programme (SHP) Report approved and improvement plan drafted. DST Indigenous Knowledge Systems Policy (IKSP) Report being finalised. DSD Violence Against Women and Children (AVAWC) Report approved and improvement plan drafted. About to go to cluster and then Cabinet. Social Sector Expanded Public Works Programme Report approved by Cabinet. Improvement Plan being implemented SAPS SAPS Forensic Services (SAPS) Draft report produced. DAFF/DRDLR Ilima Letsema Programme and cost-benefit analysis of the revitalisation of existing Irrigation Schemes Dropped – due to delays carried over to 2015-16 and no budget. DAFF Impact evaluation of MAFISA Dropped due to challenges in how MAFISA would move forward following evaluation and Expenditure Review. Small Farmer Support Report approved. Improvement plan being finalised. To be tabled at cluster and Cabinet. DBE Funza-Lushaka Bursary Scheme Report and improvement plan approved. To be tabled soon at cluster and Cabinet. National School Nutrition Programme Report approved by steering committee. DRDLR Impact evaluation of Land Restitution Programme Service provider selected. DPME MPAT system Cabinet has approved report. Improvement plan being implemented Framework for Strategic and Annual Performance Planning (FSAPP) Underway
2015-16 DAFF Agricultural Extension Recovery Plan Draft final report submitted. DBE CAPS/New School Curriculum Draft report due 17 November NPA Asset Forfeiture Unit Sub-programme New management in NPA not sure on priority of AFU for evaluation. Now DPME funds a problem so dropped DSD Non-Profit Organisations Regulatory Framework and Legislation Report approved by steering committee. National Drug Master Plan Report approved by steering committee. Improvement plan being developed. DHET National Qualifications Framework Act (NQFA) Underway Early Grade Reading in SA DMR Mining charter Dropped as having Operation Phakisa on mining DPSA Service Delivery Improvement Planning System TORs not finalised but starting DPME Citizen-based monitoring (CBM) Report approved by steering committee and management response received. Improvement plan being developed. Evaluation of the national evaluation system Delayed to 2016/17 as insufficient budget.
2016-17 DHET Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges Expansion and Capacity Development Programme Service provider appointed J&CD Integrated Justice System Underway DSD Older Persons Act NT City Support Programme Procurement process underway DHA Birth Registration Programme DEA Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process and its contribution towards sustainable development TORs being finalised DST National Space Strategy Dti, NT etc Government Business Incentives TORs approved and procurement underway DPME National Evaluation System
Thank you