ECMO Circuit Pressure Alarm PROJECT PROPOSAL University of Pittsburgh Senior Design - BioE1160 ECMO Circuit Pressure Alarm PROJECT PROPOSAL Desiree Bonadonna Apryle Craig Laura Gilmour ECMOre, Uninc.
Overview ECMO Pressure Alarm Pre-Oxygenator Post-Oxygenator Post-Heat Exchanger Audible and Visual Alarms Make healthcare workers aware of high/low pressures Dangers of high/low pressures
Overview Healthcare Workers Redesign Perfusionists ECMO Technicians Physicians Nurses Redesign Analog Digital Programmable Audible Alarm Additional pressure indicator (post heat-exchanger)
Circuit Modification
Project Goals Develop digital pressure alarm system Build model Submission for FDA approval Milestones Current technology summary Re-assess project goals Redesign Add programmable inputs Add alarm Add sound Deliverable
New Description: Device Circuitry ADS7800KP
Design Alternatives - Decisions Three Digit Display One Audible Alarm Three Visual Alarms Dials/Knobs for Programming Range
Found existing similar products/competitors Problems Found existing similar products/competitors Improve upon product instead of making new product Smaller Less Expensive Stand alone unit Add picture from Atlanta Children’s hospital website
Incompatible Transducers Problems Incompatible Transducers Use transducer from Abbott Laboratories Model used by Children’s Difficulty Obtaining Schematic Used existing monitor to determine readout signal
Current Status Met with both advisors Visited Children’s ECMO services HFE Analysis, FMEA Regular meeting times Contacted other hospitals/ECMO teams Met with Dr. Jacobs for periodic updates SBIR rough draft complete Calibration technique drafted Determined Class II Device
Current Status-Current Monitor Design
Current Status-A/D Converter: Built
Obtained product samples Redesign in Process Obtained product samples A/D converters Bit-mapping Understand conversions Signal to mmHg output Set up current system Add programmable inputs Add Alarm Add Sound
Redesign in Process – Future Testing
100% low level logic design Deliverables SBIR 100% low level logic design Ideally use Digital Prototyping Lab for final product 3rd Floor Benedum
Acknowledgements University of Pittsburgh Department of Bioengineering Mark Gartner Michael Shaver Steven Jacobs