Data Review (AGGP I project) and Sensor Development AGGP II Data Review (AGGP I project) and Sensor Development Viacheslav Adamchuk Ahmad Mat Su Florian Reumont Department of Bioresource Engineering McGill University March 16, 2017
AGGP I Research Sites
Pasture, bluegrass or mixed with red clover AGGP I Research Sites Site Start of Sampling End of Sampling Sampled Days Treatment Water Soil Crop HR 7-June-2012 22-Oct-2012 20 2 x CDi 2 x CDm Clay loam Corn 18-June-2013 1-Oct-2013 16 Soybean 11- July-2014 14-Nov-2014 19 LE 10-May-2012 15-Oct-2012 1x SSd 1 x Sd Sandy loam Tomato 15-May-2013 20-Sep-2013 17 - SH 24-May-2012 29-Aug-2012 11 3 x SP 3 x NI Muck (Organic) Onion 29-Apr-2013 17-Oct-2013 20-May-2014 3-Nov-2014 SE 18-May-2012 7-Sep-2012 9 14 3 x CD 3 x SS Fine loam Yellow bean 26-Apr-2013 7-Nov-2013 15-May-2014 4-Nov-2014 21 SL 30-May-12 4-Nov-12 22 2 x SP 1 x B Loamy sand, organic Cranberry 22-Apr-2013 24-Oct-2013 TR 3-May-2012 7-Nov-2012 1 x NI, 2 x CD 2 x SS Sandy loam, loamy sand Pasture, bluegrass or mixed with red clover 8-May-2013 7-May-2014 1-Oct-2014 HR = Harrow; LE = Leamington; SE = St. Emmanuel; SH = Sherrington; SL = St. Louis De Blandford; TR = Truro; CDi = Conventional drain-inorganic fertilizer; CDm = subsurface drain-manure fertilizer; SSd = Subsurface drip; Sd = Surface drip; CD = Conventional drain; SS = Subsurface irrigation or control drainage; SP = Sprinkler; B = Bog area; NI = No irrigation
Flux Estimation
Flux Estimation Time, h Time, h
Emission Estimation
N2O Emission - 2012
N2O Emission - 2013
N2O Emission - 2014
CH4 Emission - 2012
CH4 Emission - 2013
CH4 Emission - 2014
CO2 Emission - 2012
CO2 Emission - 2013
CO2 Emission - 2014
Sherrington Site
Temporal Monitoring
Emission Prediction N2O-N fluxes CH4-C fluxes CO2-C fluxes Soil Temperature, °C
Field 25 (Macdonald Campus) Yield Elevation Total Count Soil ECa
Practical Precision, Inc. Proximal Soil Sensing Practical Precision, Inc.
AGG Emission
Biological Soil Sensing Kaur et al. (2015) Sensors 15: 4734-4748
Biological Soil Sensing
Detection of CO2 Emission In situ Cutting Blade Pump air intake Sensors Power supply ECU Relay module ON/OFF switch Start Trial button Headspace
Detection of CO2 Emission In situ Organic soil Mineral soil
Controlled Experiment
CO2 Flux Effect
Isotopic Carbon in CO2 and CH4 Picarro Instruments Isotopic Carbon in CO2 and CH4 N2O Analyzer 16-Port Manifold
AGGP II Plan Assessment of biological activity Streamline data processing High temporal resolution Results of data generalization Best management practice Alternatives Criteria
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