TF-MSP 4th February 2010 John DYER TERENA Report on EQUAL Workshop Improving the Quality of Email Services 9 December 2009 UvA AMSTERDAM
Why EQUAL? TF-MSP – September 2008 TF-MSP February 2009 Summer 2009 RedIRIS Reputation Block List TF-MSP February 2009 RedIRIS, SURFnet; UNINETT; BELNET; GARR; GRNET; JANET thought to be interested Idea of a workshop discussed Summer 2009 Panel phone conferences TF-MSP, October 2009 EQUAL WORKSHOP announced EQUAL WORKSHOP, UvA, 9 December 2009
Workshop Programme 36 Attendees representing 15 countries 10 Presentations: SURFnet - Paul Dekkers, SURF-mailfilter RedIRIS - Jesus Sanz de las Heras, Reputation list, spam-trap, RACE RedIRIS - Francisco Monserrat, IRIS RBL RedIRIS - Jaime Perez, Reputation Systems work item inside Terena: RENATER - Jerome Durand, RENATER antispam service UvA - JP Velders, DNS whitelists for e-mail usage TERENA - Dick Visser, Important and relevant for e-mail systems UNINETT - Magnus Strømdal, Lessons learned from operating Mail Dike ETH - David Bruce McLaughlin, Open Source Mail Filtering at the ETH-Z CISCO – Eliot Lear, Need and methods to improve confidence in Email Real enthusiasm and interest to work together Email distribution list has 47 members
Highlights & Principals genuine surprise about the amount of work that is currently underway in our community strong desire to capitalise on all the knowledge and expertise by sharing and collaborating would best be achieved under the auspices of TERENA TF-EMC2, TF-CSIRT, TF-MOBILITY and TF-MSP initially take place in an ad-hoc EQUAL group
Concrete Ideas Continued exchange of information between NRENs Considering a community-wide white-list / blacklist exchange or system Establishing and recommending: Common Policies; Standards and Best Practice Possible joint-NREN procurement of commercial offerings Exploring what can be done in respect of the proliferation of private information online Seeking community membership of MAAWG Maintaining the EQUAL email distribution list and hosting online material
The way forward Video Conference Birds of a Feather at TNC 2010 core members of EQUAL Take concrete items and explore Make a formal proposal for EQUAL work Birds of a Feather at TNC 2010 Tuesday 1st June 18:00 – 20:00 Related Meetings: TF-EMC2 and TF-MOBILITY, 16-18 February 2010, Vienna, Austria MAAWG, 8-10 June 2010, Barcelona, Spain