African Renaissance and International Cooperation Fund Annual Performance Plan 2017/18
STRUCTURE OF THE PRESENTATION Introduction The Governance Programme annual performance plan MTEF Allocation 2017 Available funds
1. Introduction The African Renaissance and International Co-operation Fund was established in terms of Section 2(1) of the African Renaissance and International Co-operation Fund Act, 2000 (Act No. 51 of 2000) and subject to direction of the Minister under the control of the Director-General (DG).
2. Governance The Minister must, in consultation with the Minister of Finance, establish an Advisory Committee consisting of the following members: The Director-General or the delegate of the Director-General; three officers of the Department appointed by the Minister; and two officers of the Department of Finance appointed by the Minister of Finance. The Advisory Committee must make recommendations to the Minister and the Minister of Finance on the disbursement of funds through loans or other financial assistance.
2. Governance Cont… Loans or other financial assistance are granted in accordance with an agreement entered into by the country in question and the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation (hereafter referred to as the Minister). Assistance granted is subject to such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by that country and the Minister, acting in each case in consultation with the Minister of Finance.
3. Programme Performance Indicators Strategic objective OBJECTIVE STATEMENT TARGET To promote democracy and good governance Support the holding of democratic elections in identified countries on the continent 100% of approved disbursement to support democracy and good governance processed To contribute to human resource development Develop and provide identified training programmes 100% of approved disbursement to support capacity-building processed To support socio-economic development and integration Support the implementation of socio- economic development and integration projects 100% of approved disbursement to support socio-economic development and integration processed To contribute to PCRD Support PCRD efforts on the continent 100% of approved disbursement for PCRD processed
3. Programme Performance Indicators Cont… STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE OBJECTIVE STATEMENT TARGET To provide humanitarian assistance and disaster relief Assist countries that are in need of humanitarian assistance and disaster relief 100% of approved disbursement for humanitarian assistance processed To support cooperation between South Africa and other countries Implement bilateral and trilateral cooperation agreements 100% of approved disbursement for cooperation processed Percentage of active projects monitored for compliance with concurrence received Monitor compliance with concurrence 100% of active projects monitored Percentage of project progress reports for active projects Monitor project implementation 100% project oversight reports for active projects Percentage of closed projects with close-out reports Monitor project closure 100% of closed projects with close-out reports
4. MTEF Allocation 2017/18 R’000 2018/19 2019/20 Indicative baseline 412 478 433 102 454 757 Reduction 390 478 393 102 414 757 Appropriated funds 22 000 40 000
5. 2017/18 Available Funds 2017/18 R’000 Appropriated funds 22 000 Accumulated Surplus 1 963 481 Available funds 1 985 481 Section 7(2) of the ARF act of 2000 no 51 “Any unexpended balance in the Fund at the close of any financial year must be carried forward as a credit in the Fund to the next succeeding financial year”. The ARF has an accumulated surplus of R 1, 7 billion that will enable it to carry out its mandate.
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