Adelaide Knowledge Management Knowledge Management for and about the future (July 16th) Presenter: Damian Hughes Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) UniADL Graduate Diploma Defence Operations Research UNSW
KM & Simulation Modelling For discussion What is the relationship between Tacit Knowledge (Experience) and Simulation Models in the real world? How is it embodied in the model, and how is it used to validate the output? How does the simulation model inform us as either Information or Knowledge
Simulation Modelling You have been tasked to provide analytical support to assess the current and future supply chain configuration for a company. what would be your preferred approach and outcome? multiple perspectives: individual and team (organisation) what could you leave behind for future personnel/organisation so that your efforts have some longevity beyond the immediate project Simulation demonstration
Tacit Knowledge & Simulations Problem structuring data: lots of it and questionable quality information: organising/mapping that data in accordance with some conceptual model(s) knowledge: inform decision making Process of enquiry enabling personnel externalise their conceptual models of the system surface their assumptions to test ideas and receive feedback
Verification & Validation The model isn’t the system, it is a representation! Verification does the model do what it was intended to do does the code implement the business model(s) as intended? Validation is the model fit for purpose is the model appropriately scoped (scale & fidelity)? Tacit knowledge & model validation is the model behaviour consistent with conceptual models and how are inconsistencies reconciled?
Statistics c.f. Tacit Knowledge The past isn’t necessarily a good indicator of the future analysts must appreciate the LIMITATIONS of historical datasets Simulation modelling supports critical thinking simulation is not PREDICTING future behaviour provides a method of enquiry to allow people/teams to surface, develop, and refine their conceptual models
Model Insights (inform) Our behaviour/decisions are influenced by our conceptual models what process are you using to grow conceptual model(s) How does the clients conceptual models align with the simulation representation? how does someone behave when their conceptual models are being challenged? A simulation model can provide users with the capability to enter a challenging problem domain and test their conceptual models If not how are you exposing your company to the risk of untested conceptual models and how systems behave