Figure Legend: From: A short-term memory of multi-stable perception Journal of Vision. 2008;8(13):7. doi:10.1167/8.13.7 Figure Legend: Phenomenal appearance and hypothetical ‘lingering bias’. Time courses of interrupted stimulation (stim), alternative appearances (solid lines A1, A2), and associated ‘biases’ (dotted lines B1, B2) are shown schematically. Two dominance periods (T1, T2) and the renewed onset of stimulation are marked on the time axis. (A) Appearance at renewed onset (A2) corresponds to the last dominance period (T2), as it has established the larger ‘bias’ (B2). Note that B1 decays rapidly during T2. In this scenario, the ‘bias’ is like an iconic memory. (B) Appearance at renewed onset (A1) corresponds to the last-but-one dominance period (T1), which now provides the larger ‘bias’ (B1). Note that here B1 decays slowly during T2. In this case, the ‘bias’ is like a short-term memory. Date of download: 11/12/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.