Welcome to Key Stage Two Assessment Information Evening
Purpose of this evening: Explain our school arrangements for the end of key stage assessments
A new National Curriculum was introduced in 2014 As a result, the Standards and Testing Agency (STA) is changing the tests so they assess the new curriculum. The first tests were carried out in May 2016.
DfE position statement As part of the national curriculum review, levels have been abolished. This is in part response to concerns about the validity and reliability of levels and sub levels. These concerns had an impact on pupils’ learning, but also on the relationships between primary and secondary schools and the trust in their assessments. Levels have also been recognised as the driver of undue pace through the curriculum, which has led to gaps in pupils’ knowledge.
Areas of Testing Reading GAPS Mathematics Writing Science
Types Of Question
Types Of Question – Content Domain 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 2g 2h Give / explain the meaning of words in context. Retrieve and record information / identify key details from fiction and non- fiction. Summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph . Make inferences from the text / explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text. Predict what might happen from details stated and implied. Identify / explain how information / narrative content is related and contributes to meaning as a whole. Identify / explain how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases. Make compariso ns within the text.
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Tests the children’s understanding of knowing and applying grammatical terminology, with the full range of punctuation.
Writing Writing is teacher assessed. The teacher can use evidence from any piece of writing Not necessarily the same piece of work assessed for each child.
Science Science is teacher assessed. Teacher assessment will assess their knowledge and their understanding of the processes through planning investigations etc.
Reporting Arrangements From 2016, scaled scores will be used to report national curriculum test outcomes (80 to 120) These scaled scores are used to report whether a child has met the national standard 100 will always represent the ‘national average’ The child’s raw score will be converted into a scaled score. The conversion from raw to scaled score will be published after the tests have been administered.
Teacher Assessment Outcomes Reading and Mathematics Writing Reading and Mathematics Working at greater depth in the expected standard Working at the expected standard Not met the expected standard Working toward the expected standard
Not Just Tests!
Thank you for coming.