Welcome to Teachers in Industry Orientation February 1, 2016 4:30 – 6:30 pm
Introductions Bruce Johnson – Principal Investigator Julia Olsen – Director of Teacher Development Martha Ostheimer – Director of Business Development Sanlyn Buxner – Research and Evaluation Coordinator Contact – jkolsen@email.arizona.edu
Introductions Briefly tell us your: Name Where you teach Subject(s) you teach
What’s next Make sure to get all application materials submitted this week Applications are being processed Resumes go out to businesses Interview with businesses MA applications are being reviewed by our College of Education faculty Expect to hear about MA eligibility by end of February Acceptance into the program is contingent on business placement
Resumes sent out to businesses later this week Companies should contact you to schedule an interview by mid- March Contact Julia when you get an interview Contact Julia when you get a job offer When you have received a job offer…. Contact Julia immediately I will provide information about how to do official UA application Different procedures for MA and PD Have proof of residency Have proof of vaccinations Courses start and end online, plan for “face to face” May 27 – July 22
Resume workshop Resume template http://teachersinindustry.arizona.edu/teachers- industry-create-your-resume Job Descriptions http://teachersinindustry.arizona.edu/summer-work
Name Address Cell phone Email Objective To obtain a position in industry through Teachers in Industry in order to learn more about real-world applications of STEM type jobs and bring that knowledge, skills, and practices back into my classroom. Education (Similar listing of other degrees arranged chronologically from the most recent) 1990 – (Degree) Bachelor of Science in Biology, (Minor) in Chemistry, Magna Cum Laude, with distinctions, with honors, Name of College, City, State, Other Honors – Phi Beta Kappa, Dean’s List, Years, Other relevant STEM course work, completed - # of units Work Experience (chronologically from most recent) Biology Teacher, Tucson High School, 2009 – present Programs you have developed or taught that are STEM related Developed a technology lab and taught CAD programing to 10 students Biology Teacher, Salpoint High School, 2005 – 2009 Intern in Assay Testing, Ventana Medical Systems, summers 2007 – 2012 Relevant STEM work you performed Relevant Skills
Tips 1) Try to fit your resume to 1 page 2) Have at least one person proof read it (and you use spell and grammar check) 3) Recommended margins 1 inch on all sides, recommended font size 11 or 12, bold your name, Times or Arial font
Work Descriptions http://teachersinindustry.arizona.edu/summer-work
Final Resumes Emailed as a .doc to jkolsen@email.arizona.edu by Wednesday February 3rd at 11:59 pm These will be sent out to companies on Friday
Interviewing Strategies Research Mission of the company, products, services, how they do it, process Where might you fit into their company, benefit the company Size of company, international or domestic Look on website, Google search Arizona Republic, Daily Star, Wall Street Journal Ask Julia about what teachers have done at that company before
Interviewing Strategies If possible, drive by and know where you are meeting Be aware of badging requirements – ask the person who extends the interview about time requirements Bring 4 copies of resume Dress – professional conservative dress. Sell your skills in direct relation to what the company does Stay on topic, don’t go on tangent, don’t disclose personal information Don’t mention salary Get back within 24 hours when they contact you
Program Evaluation Surveys completed by teachers (you) Surveys completed by students (your students) Surveys completed by business leaders Required by program funders
Questions Group questions Individual questions