KEHA Mission Statement To improve the quality of life for families and communities through leadership development and education.
1912 Contact was made with rural and farm women through the College of Agriculture demonstration train.
Home Demonstration Agents were hired to serve in twelve counties. 1914 Helen B. Wolcott was appointed State Extension Agent for Home Economics. Home Demonstration Agents were hired to serve in twelve counties.
1932 The Kentucky Federation of Homemakers was established to unify the effort of homemakers in Kentucky.
1930’s and 1940’s Kentucky home demonstration agents and homemaker clubs were actively involved in mattress making utilizing surplus cotton.
1977 Virginia McCandless, KEHA Health Chairman worked with Dr. John van Nagell to establish the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund at the University of Kentucky.
2006 Highlights Cultural Arts: Environment, Housing & Energy: More than 1,000 quilts made 45,000 books read Environment, Housing & Energy: 500 members studied historic preservation 2,000 members participated in recycling projects
2006 Highlights Leadership: $3,500 in scholarships were presented at the 2007 State Meeting Individuals reported more than 451,595 volunteer service hours valued at more than $6.78 million Safety & Management: 3,080 members participated in emergency preparedness lessons 1,421 studied “Investing on a Shoestring”