AP World History Review Period 3: Regional and Trans-Regional Interactions c. 600 CE – c. 1450 CE
3.1 Expansion & Intensification of Communication & Exchange Networks How did trade networks in the post-Classical Era compare to the Classical Era? What were the effects of migration in the post-classical era? How did trade networks as a whole develop in the post-classical era? What were the biological effects of post-classical trade?
3.1 Expansion & Intensification of Communication & Exchange Networks Improved transportation technologies & commercial practices led to increased trade volume, & expanded geog range of trade networks Movement of peoples caused linguistic & environmental effects
3.1 Expansion & Intensification of Communication & Exchange Networks Exchange fostered by intensification of existing, or creation of new networks Continuity: diffusion of crops & pathogens through E Hemisphere along trade routes.
3.2 Continuity & Innovation of State Forms & their Interactions How did state formations develop in the post-classical era? What new forms of governance emerged in the post-classical era? How & where did governmental diffusion occur in the post-classical era? How did states in the Americas develop in the post-classical era? What tech & cultural exchanges did states encourage in the post-classical era?
3.2 Continuity & Innovation of State Forms & their Interactions Empires collapsed & reconstituted; in some regions new state forms emerged. Inter-regional contacts & conflicts btwn states/empires encouraged significant technological & cultural transfers btwn Tang China & Abbasids across Mongol empires/khanates during the Crusades
3.3 Increased Economic Productive Capacity & Its Consequences What were the overall worldwide economic trends in the post-classical era? What new innovations affected agriculture in the post-classical era? How did textile and porcelain production develop in the post-classical era? Why did some post-classical urban areas decline, while others prospered and grew?
3.3 Increased Economic Productive Capacity & Its Consequences How did social and labor systems develop during the post-classical era? What pre-existing labor systems continued during the post-classical era? How did social and gender hierarchies develop in the post-classical era? What new labor forms developed in the post-classical era?
3.3 Increased Economic Productive Capacity & Its Consequences Innovations stimulated agric & industrial production Fate of cities varied greatly Periods of significant decline/increased urbanization buoyed by rising productivity/expanding trade
3.3 Increased Economic Productive Capacity & Its Consequences Continuities: Social structures shaped by class/caste Patriarchy persisted; however, women exercised more power/influence (Mongols & W Africa, Japan & SE Asia) Methods of Production free peasant agriculture nomadic pastoralism craft production/guilds coerced/unfree labor gov’t imposed labor taxes military obligations
3.3 Increased Economic Productive Capacity & Its Consequences Changes in labor management & effects of religious conversion on gender relations & family life Diffusion of Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Neo-Confucianism led to significant changes in gender relations/family structure. New forms of coerced labor appeared: serfdom in Europe & Japan Incan mit’a Free peasants resisted attempts to raise dues and taxes by staging revolts Demand for slaves for military & domestic purposes increased
Resources for Additional Info John Green’s “Crash Course” videos. #13 Islam #14 The Dark Ages #15 The Crusades #16 Mansa Musa and Islam in Africa #17 The Mongols #20 Russia