Religious Wars Ch 10 sec 3 notes
First Crusade Alexius I from Constantinople asked for help from Pope Urban II. Reasons why people helped: Knights could win land and wealth Religious Zeal Adventure Escape trouble at home
First Crusade "Christians, hasten to help your brothers in the East, for they are being attacked. Arm for the rescue of Jerusalem under your captain Christ. Wear his cross as your badge. If you are killed your sins will be pardoned."
First Crusade Killed many people along the way (Jews, Farmers) Many crusaders died along the way. Alexius disappointed with people who showed. Ordinary people –Lost the battle. Crusader Knights sent to Jerusalem – captured the Holy city. Slaughtered Muslims
Second Crusade King Louis VII from France and King Conrad III from Germany led forces against two Christian towns: Edessa and Damascus. Only a few thousand made it back to Europe Alive. Between the Second and Third Crusade several order of Knights began. Templar Knights – job was to protect pilgrimages to the holy land. Christian sites. Red Crosses on chest. Hospitaller Knights –treat and care for sick pilgrims. Teutonic Knights – German knights Black cross on shoulder.
Third Crusade King Philip Augustus of France, King Richard I of England, and the German emperor, Frederick Barbarossa led a 3rd crusade to capture Jerusalem from the Muslim leader Saladin. Frederick drowned on the way; his army went home. Philip and Richard hated each other and soon Philip left the battle field and went back to France. Richard the Lion-Hearted captured the Christian town of Achre but could not capture Jerusalem. Saladin and Richard respected each other - sick
Fourth Crusade The Crusaders started for Jerusalem but was paid by the Venetians to attack Constantinople instead. The Venetians and Constantinople were trade competitors. The crusaders captured Constantinople and held it for 50 years until the Byzantine army recaptured it.
Children’s Crusade Stephen of Cloyes said to be called by Christ organized a children’s crusade to take back the holy city of Jerusalem. Paid for several captains to take them by boat to Jerusalem. On the way several boats would sink in the sea The ones that made it sailed to Africa instead and sold the children into slavery. Never reached Jerusalem.
Effects of the Crusades on Europe Economically - it increased trade. Monarchs gained power and were able to levy taxes to support the crusades. Papal power was at its height. Exploration increases – more aware of a larger earth. Created four strong states: Portugal, Spain, England, France. Byzantine Empire conquered by the Ottoman Turks.
Reconquista Effort to expel all Muslims from Spain. Leaders of Spain: Ferdinand & Isabella wanted all of Spain to worship in the Catholic faith. Forced the last stronghold of Muslims in Granada to leave.
Spanish Inquisition A church court created to try people accused of Heresy. In Spain it was directed at the Jews and Muslims that still lived there. They were forced to convert to Christianity or be tortured and killed. More than 150,000 Jews fled the country and took with them valuable skills.