Today’s Message From Zonta International President Maria Jose Landeira Oestergaard
Empowering Women – TOGETHER!
Come to Nice to: CELEBRATE Zonta’s successes HAVE A VOICE in Zonta’s decision-making process PARTICIPATE in workshops about Zonta’s future BENEFIT from leadership training opportunities EXPERIENCE international fellowship in a beautiful city
Online Registration Full Day Convention Fees VAT included Early Bird Before 27 Feb 2016 Second Period 28 Feb – 23 May Final Registration 24 May - onsite Zontians 315€ 380€ 450€ Non-Zontian Guests 100€ Z and Golden Z 50€ Zontian one day ticket: 150€ (per day) All payments must be done in Euros. DO NOT SEND ANY REGISTRATION FORMS OR PAYMENTS TO ZONTA INTERNATIONAL. Questions:
Opening Ceremony Sunday, 3 July, 8:30am Featuring the Parade of Flags showcasing Zonta International’s 67 member countries.
Experience District Meetings Workshops - Trainings Bright Spots Street Tuesday, 5 July, 1:30 – 3:00pm Saturday, 2 July, 9:45 – 1:00pm Bright Spots Street Market Square Trade service and advocacy ideas Tables: 1.8x.6m, 100€
Closing Banquet Wednesday, 6 July, 7pm Featuring the Installation Ceremony and entertainment by Les Muses Acropolis
July 2016 2-6 Save the Date We look forward to seeing you at the 63rd Zonta International Convention at the Acropolis Center, Nice, France.