7.L.4A.6 Construct scientific arguments using evidence to support claims concerning the advantages and disadvantages of the use of technology (such as selective breeding, genetic engineering, or biomedical research) in influencing the transfer of genetic information.
Technology, good or bad? There are advantages and disadvantages of the use of technology in influencing the transfer of genetic information. Humans have long used a variety of methods to alter and reinforce certain traits in living things.
Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering is the manipulation of an organism’s genes (genome). There are many types of genetic engineering. Two types include: Selective Breeding Genetic Modification
Selective Breeding Selective breeding is a type of genetic engineering. It is a process humans use to breed or reinforce desired traits into a particular organism. For example, one of the oldest examples of selective breeding is the diversity within dogs. The dog as a species has changed dramatically from its wolf ancestors due to selective breeding. Humans have used selective breeding to reinforce certain desired traits within dog breeds such as herding behaviors or body shape.
Genetic Modification Technology can also be used to add, or modify genes directly in the genome of living things. These genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can be used in food or in other commercial applications. For example, resistance to plant diseases can be added to corn’s genome so the plant is not affected by these diseases.
Biomedical Research Biomedical research is another aspect of technology and genetics. Biomedical research employs a variety of techniques to advance medical science and improve human lives. For example, the human genome project has mapped the entire human genome. This information can be used to inform individuals during genetic counselling and when making health decisions.