Week 33 April 10-14, 2017
Week 33 April 10/11, 2017 Day 143/144 Bellfun “FSA Testing” EQ How do I ensure I can recall information for the GP exam? Standards: LAFS.910.W.1.3 d. Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to convey a vivid picture of the experiences, events, setting, and/or characters. (Level 3) LAFS.910.L.3.4b Identify and correctly use patterns of word changes that indicate different meanings or parts of speech (e.g., analyze, analysis, analytical; advocate, advocacy). (Level 2) Bellfun “FSA Testing” Journal (see slide) Classfun working on GP cards Homefun 1) GP Article #26 — “world environment”
Week 33 Wednesday, April 12, 2017 Day 145 EQ How do authors use sensory language when telling a story? STANDARDS: LAFS.910.W.1.3 d. Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to convey a vivid picture of the experiences, events, setting, and/or characters. (Level 3) Lafs.910.L.3.4b identify and correctly use patterns of word changes that indicate different meanings or parts of speech (e.g. Analyze, analysis, analytical; advocate, advocacy). (Level 2) Bellfun “Wordsmith Wednesday” --CCSS.L.9-10.4.A— Punctuation worksheet answer 1-7 (finish for homework) Classfun P. 437 “Delineate and evaluate an argument”—take C-notes Read collections p. 433 “the real reasons we explore space” Have discussion with your elbow partner (bottom of p. 436) Add article to your cards Homerfun GP Article #26 — “Environment around the world” Finish “Punctuation Worksheet”
NASA Fun Fact Nasa's FY 2011 budget of $18.4 billion represented about 0.5% of the $3.4 trillion united states federal budget during that year, or about 35% of total spending on academic scientific research in the United States.
Wed. Bellfun Answers 4-12-17 , who…class, rules, later story, however paper, he , who…class, rules, later story, however Lee, the…program, weight, so C
Delineate and evaluate an argument Delineate = what is their point? and what is their reasoning? Evaluate = is the point valid? Do they give enough evidence?
False conclusions False Cause and effect = A firm conclusion is made, but many reasons could explain it Ex. She died of lung cancer. She must have been a smoker Circular reasoning = proving what you said by what you said— Ex. ”The fossils are 30 billion years old because the soil it is in is 30 billion years old. We know the soil is 30 billion years old because the fossils are 30 billion years old.” Overgeneralization =coming to a conclusion w/o all the facts. Ex. All short men drive big trucks
Don’t get so emotional Bandwagon = everyone is doing it Personal attack = bush league tactic. Person who does this usually has no counter attack. Transfer = connecting your feelings about one thing onto another Loaded Language = choosing words knowing it will get a rise out of people
Week 33 April13/14, 2017 (TH/F) Day 147/146 EQ How is an epic different than other genres? STANDARDS LAFS.910.RL.2.6 Analyze a particular point of view or cultural experience reflected in a work of literature from outside the United States, drawing on a wide reading of world literature. (Level 3) LAFS.910.RL.1.3 Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme. (Level 3) Week 33 April13/14, 2017 (TH/F) Day 147/146
Week 33 April13/14, 2017 (TH/F) Day 147/146 Bellfun Finish reading article Classfun “The Odyssey” QW: How have you changed since you were a youngin/toddler? What things do you think have influenced those changes in you? Read “Book One” together (get out your 3 column charts we made) Pair up and answer the questions (background and Book One) Think About it—lateral thinking puzzle “Lily Pad” Read book 9 (solo or in pairs) Answer questions Homefun 1) GP Article #26 — “Environment around the world”
Thursday/Friday Thinkfun 4/13 or 4/14 Water lilies on a certain lake double in area every 24 hours. From the time the first water lily appears until the lake is completely covered takes 60 Days. On what day is the lake half covered?