Background Notes on Antigone (Pronounced “An-tih-go-knee”)
The History of Greek Theater Drama grew out of ancient celebrations honoring Dionysus, god of wine and fertility. Athens, 5th century B.C.: The celebrations became an annual festival, and a “hero” would wear masks and sing hymns about his character. Drama was born when Aeschylus added a second character at the performance, creating the possibility of conflict.
The Theater of Dionysos
Greek Masks Exaggerated mouthpieces (like megaphones) to be heard from far away Familiar Character-types (happy, sad) to be seen from far away By switching masks, each actor could play several roles.
Who Was Sophocles? (496?-406 B.C.) Considered greatest of Greek playwrights Of 123 plays, only 7 survive. Deeply religious and philosophical, so his plays always contain a moral lesson. INNOVATIVE: He introduced elaborate scene-painting Added the 3rd actor to the cast, allowing for more complicated staging and conflict.
“Antigone” Antigone is the sequel to Oedipus Rex, which was actually written after Antigone. After his tragedy, Oedipus (the King of Thebes) exiles himself. His two sons, Eteocles and Polynices, became the rulers. They agreed to reign in alternate years, but after the first year, Eteocles refused to surrender the throne.
“Antigone” continued… To get revenge, Polynices attacks Thebes. In a duel, the two brothers kill each other, and Creon, their uncle, takes the throne. Creon allows Eteocles to be given a heroic funeral, but he orders the body of Polynices be exposed in the fields for attacking his hometown.
“Antigone” continued… The play “Antigone” is about how Antigone, the sister, goes against Creon in this decision, believing that her brother deserves a proper burial. A key element of conflict: Antigone is engaged to Creon’s son, Haemon.