Photic driving responses in children <6 years are relatively small Photic driving responses in children <6 years are relatively small.18 Stimulus frequencies <3 Hz rarely produce a response. The maximal responses are obtained with stimulus frequencies near the frequency of individual's posterior dominant rhythm.15 Although excessive photic response can be seen in normal individuals, it is more commonly seen in migraine patients. However, AAN concluded that the photic response was not more effective than history and examination in diagnosing headaches and did not recommend its use in clinical practice.16 In 2–4% of normal children, posteriorly predominant paroxysmal slow activity is sometimes associated with sharp components.11 Source: Normal and Benign Variants, Atlas of Pediatric EEG Citation: Laoprasert P. Atlas of Pediatric EEG; 2011 Available at: Accessed: November 12, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved