report from 12th ATF TB & SGC meeting and trip to KEK


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Presentation transcript:

report from 12th ATF TB & SGC meeting and trip to KEK Frank Zimmermann CLIC Meeting, 26 August 2011

S . Sasaki leader radiation monitor group S . Ban Head of Radiation Science center T . Sanami K .Oide

S . Sasaki leader radiation monitor group T . Sanami (formerly at SLAC) S . Ban Head of Radiation Science center H. Iwase (formerly GSI)

various Geiger counters and other radiation detectors Cs source on loan from Ermanno Papotti bought on the internet various Geiger counters and other radiation detectors

additional reading due to Cs source

reading with CS source - background (Ermanno Papotti’s) (internet device)

H. Nakamura (formerly at CERN)

shielded lead chamber

message: it is safe to visit KEK!

12th Joint Meeting of the ATF Technical Board and System/Group Coordinators, KEK, 15 July 2011 Agenda: 1. Opening & Agenda N. Terunuma Recovering from the earthquake and toward the fall operation 3. Update of the future plan discussion in KEK 4. SC-Q issue T. Tauchi 5. Other update and discussion F. Zimmermann 6. Summary and closing Chair of this meeting: Frank Zimmermann (CERN) Presentations are posted at:

Participants in the 12th Meeting of ATF TB/SGC Present: Sakae Araki (KEK), Stewart Boogert (JAI), Didier Jehanno (LAL), Siwon Jang (KNU), YoungIm Kim (KNU), Kiyoshi Kubo (KEK), Shigeru Kuroda (KEK), Takashi Naito (KEK), Toshiyuki Okugi (KEK), Toshiaki Tauchi (KEK), Nobuhiro Terunuma (KEK), Nobu Toge (KEK), Junji Urakawa (KEK), Glen White (SLAC), Kaoru Yokoya (KEK), Frank Zimmermann (CERN) Connected via WebEx: Philip Bambade (LAL), Phil Burrows (JAI), Laura Corner (JAI), Eckhard Elsen (DESY), Janice Nelson (SLAC), Masahiro Oroku (U. Of Tokyo), Andrei Seryi (JAI), Tomoyuki Sanuki (Tohoku U.), Jacqueline Yan (U. of Tokyo) Local support: Kimiyo Ikeda (KEK), Hitomi Kusama (KEK), Hiromi Sasaki (KEK)

damage & recovery: ATF main power line, shielding adjustment, alignment work, cooling water system, test beam operation started in June, broken bellows, ATF linac klystrons (venting and water leak, broken CT-monitor ceramic chamber, lead shielding blocks fallen down , lights fallen down from the ceiling, a cable tray fixing structure collapsed decision to open all bellows: 6-8 broken bellows units found in which the shielding fingers had been bent inwards. ATF2 beam line: earthquake-safe wires broken; a lot of dust on the IP-BSM optics and on magnet movers In particular a 60-t concrete FD/IP shielding block had moved by 5-10 cm, which had required repositioning. Electricity and water had been restored in May. April and June: rough alignment from the linac to the DR. Survey of the beamline level; corresponding realignment planned. Survey of the linac roll angles, to be corrected by realignment.

DR circumference now 3 mm shorter → change in DR RF frequency

From the meeting minutes - 1: The TB recognizes that the fast recovery of all the ATF accelerator systems after the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake on 11 March 2011 has been remarkable. Given the scale of the damage incurred, its speed exceeded the most optimistic expectations. The TB supports and applauds the plan, in response to delays incurred from the great earthquake, to extend the approved ATF/ATF2 operation until March 2014, during which time most of the primary ILC-relevant goals of ATF2 should be accomplished. The TB considers the proposed ATF plan for the period 2014-2018 as an important input to the development of the second KEK roadmap.

From the meeting minutes - 2: The TB welcomes CERN’s offer for an in-kind contribution of a warm high-quality QF1-FF quadrupole. The TB underlines the need of completing an ultra low beta optics study with conventional magnets resulting in field-quality specifications, and a complementing engineering design for the new warm QF1FF magnet. The TB cautions that it might be a challenge to get the small beam size even with a perfect QF1FF magnet, that the effects of kinematic terms and fringe fields might need to be (re-)assessed, and, especially, that a global plan is needed (just exchanging the QF1FF magnet is not enough, but swapping of beam-line quadrupoles and implementing corrections with higher order magnets might also be required). The major issue is the field quality. Specifications will be provided in 1-2 months’ time. The magnet will be provided by CERN and it should be ready for 2013.

other good news from Japan