NATIONALISM Grips Europe & Asia Ms. Ha Ch. 16 Section 1 Pages: 528-535
I. Nationalism A. Definition 1. Loyalty to one’s country 2. Above anything else
B. Failure: 1. Treaty of Versaille a. Ended WWI b. Purpose: “just and secure peace” c. Had been “a war to end all wars”
C. Germany 1. After war: Democratic Government set up 2. Germany struggled a. Blamed for WWI b. Stripped of colonies & overseas land holdings c. Made to pay war retribution
3. Retribution: $ payment as penalty 4. Germany was flat broke!
5. Weimar Republic was the democratic government set up 6. German people were suffering from hunger, poverty and a broken spirit
7. Left Germany “ripe” for any strong leader 8. People turn to: authoritarian leaders a) Solve social problems b) Solve economic problems
9. Led to a rise in dictators 10. Some had major ambitions 11. Some were very evil…..
II. Three leaders emerge A. Different countries 1. Wanted to rule 2. Expand their power & land holdings
B. “The Three Stooges”
1. Joseph Stalin: Russia
2. Benito Mussolini: Italy
3. Adolf Hitler: Germany
4. Stooges: first to parody Hitler