Tutorial 12 Biological networks
Biological networks STRING: Protein-Protein interactions BioGRID: Physical and genetic interactions Cytoscape: Network visualization
STRING Protein-Protein interaction network http://string-db.org/
Protein-Protein association
Filtering network edges by evidence type
Increasing the network
Edges in a protein-protein network can represent different features
How can a network be represented in a text format
GO enrichment in STRING
BioGrid Physical and genetic interactions https://thebiogrid.org/
What are genetic interactions? More about the physical and genetic evidence in BioGRID: https://wiki.thebiogrid.org/doku.php/experimental_systems
Cytoscape Network visualization http://www.cytoscape.org/
Nodes Weights of edges
Source node Target node Edge Weights You can change column meaning
Network visualization Nodes and edges info
Change network visualization
Edges weights now represent the experimental evidence score
Attributes can be added for nodes as well
The layout can depend on the node attributes
A short reminder Degree: the number of edges that a node has. The node with the highest degree in the graph
A short reminder Closeness: measure how close is a node to all other nodes in the network. The nodes with the highest closeness
A short reminder Betweenness: quantify the number of shortest paths that pass through a node. The node with the highest betweenness
Analyzing the network in Cytoscape
Visualizing node features on the netwrok
Features per node/edge are also available as a table
Features per node/edge are also available as a table
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