Week 1, Day 4 Snakes Alive 31 June 2016
Week 1 Recap Road to Python Mastery Installation Arithmetic Operations Functions The print and input functions Types Conditionals (if statements) While Loops Lists Iteration (for loops) Dictionaries Week 1 Recap Recap ♻♻💡💡
The File System Consolidation Exercises Day 4 Plan
The File System
The campers should be able to recognise that this is a filing cabinet The campers should be able to recognise that this is a filing cabinet. Talk about what a file is - you should get to the point where it is a grouping of information. Talk about what a computer file is really - a data structure for an operating system. For a more advanced class, maybe point out that the file system is actually distinct from the OS.
Python File I/O What does I/O mean? Then show how to read and write files in Python
Exercise 3.1 – Especially Noteworthy Write a short note taking program: The user can either specify that they would like to add a new note, or read the existing note file in a set location If they specify that they would like to read the note, print out the contents of the note If they specify that they would like to write the note, take input from the user and write it to the file
Week 1 Recap Road to Python Mastery Installation Arithmetic Operations Functions The print and input functions Types Conditionals (if statements) While Loops Lists Iteration (for loops) Dictionaries The File System Week 1 Recap Recap ♻♻💡💡