University of Colorado A Line and B Line Grade Crossing Update
Positive Train Control (PTC) PTC is not a Technology! PTC is a Federal Mandate Train separation or collision avoidance Line speed enforcement Temporary speed restrictions Rail worker wayside safety RTD’s Primary Train Control System Network Utilizes Wireless & Fiber Communication Functions as a “MOVING” Block System RTD’s Current PTC Efficiency is at +98% DTP selected Wabtec I-ETMS system because it is an industry leader
Automatic Train Control (ATC) Conventional Train Signaling System Utilized in USA Since 1920’s “Fixed Block” System Utilizes Track Circuit Technology Incremental Speed Restrictions DTP selected Siemens/Alstom & GE because they are industry leading suppliers
Grade Crossing Activations & Prediction Conventional Activations Function of the ATC System “Fixed” Approach Lengths Based off Civil Track Speed System Fails Safe and provides the minimum 20 second warning time required by law Wireless Activations Utilizes the PTC System Technology Constant Communication with Crossing Equipment “Pings” Approximately 10x per Second Provides dynamic control of crossing
Types of Grade Crossing Activation Systems Traditional Predictors Utilized by Many Freight Rail Roads Will not Function with RTD’s System Low Voltage AC current in Rails Incremental Train Control System (ITCS) Utilized by Some Commuter Rail Roads Low Voltage AC current in Rails Combined with Track Circuits Interoperable Electronic Train Management System (I-ETMS) Technology Utilized on RTD’s System Utilizes Wireless Technology Is an overlay to the Traditional ATC System Functions in a AC Electrified Environment
Types of Grade Crossing Activation Systems Multiple Conversations!!!! Whispers………………… Why Can’t RTD Utilize Traditional Predictors? RTD’s System is Powered by 25,000 Volt AC The Residual AC Current is Returned through the Track Rails Cannot Distinguish between Return Current and the Predictors
Conventional vs. Wireless Approaches Conventional Warning – Fixed Prediction Based on Max Speed Contract is Locked Traffic Signal Clearing Warning Time Wireless Warning – More Accurate Prediction Contract is Locked Traffic Signal Clearing Warning Time
Grade Crossing Approaches Contract is Locked Constant Warning Traffic Signal Clearing Warning Time What Causes the Variability? Operator Handling Behavior Station Dwell Time 0 to 79 MPH Acceleration/Deceleration Trespasser Dispatcher Hold Issue at Adjacent Crossing Variability
Union Pacific Railroad RTD Commuter Railroad
Entrance Gates Exit Gates
Dahlia Grade Crossing Approach Length 8,245 Foot Southbound Approach
Time Measurement & Performance Criteria Currently in Negotiation with FRA Provides FRA with Basis to Regulate Based from American Railway Engineering & Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) Communications and Signals Manual
Dahlia Grade Crossing – Performance Data
Steele Grade Crossing – Performance Data
Sable Grade Crossing – Performance Data
Driver Behavior Concerns Effects of Warning Time on Driver Behavior and Safety at Grade Crossings Study Warning Times in Excess of 30-40 seconds caused many more drivers to engage in risky crossing behavior. Most drivers expect a train to arrive within 20 seconds from the moment the activation begins. Drivers begin to lose confidence in the traffic control system if the warning time exceeds approximately 60 seconds. Suggested warning time guidelines (20 sec minimum, 25- 35 sec desirable, 60 sec maximum) Four-quadrant gates should be used if 10% of warning times exceed 60 sec. Reference: Assessment of Warning Time Needs at Railroad Highway Grade Crossings with Active Traffic Control, Stephen H. Richards and K.W. Heathington, Transportation Research Record 1254
Grade Crossing – Timeline 2010 – Denver Transit Partners Selects Technology April-2015 (CU A-Line) Revenue Service FRA Waiver Issued October-2016 FRA Waiver #3, Action Items Established February-2017 FRA Waiver Extension Q1-2016 Wayside Construction, Testing & Commissioning Substantially Complete July-2016 (B-Line) Revenue Service December-2016 FRA Waver Extension July-2017 FRA Waiver Extension Data Reporting Performance Demonstration Operator Training Crossing Optimization Establish Performance Criteria With FRA FRA Action Items