Nationalism and causes of the great war By Paul Tyrlik
Nationalism The Idea your country is the best.
Why did it happen? Assignation of Franz Ferdinand Lots of treaties
Serbia Austria-Hungary Russia Germany France Turkey England Italy Japan
This is how it looked after
The grass PILE the bodies high at Austerlitz and Waterloo. Shovel them under and let me work— I am the grass; I cover all. And pile them high at Gettysburg And pile them high at Ypres and Verdun. 5 Shovel them under and let me work. Two years, ten years, and passengers ask the conductor: What place is this? Where are we now? I am the grass. 10 Let me work.
Works citied Works Cited "Archduke Franz Ferdinand : Biography." Spartacus Educational - Home Page. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. <>. | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Web. 30 Apr. 2010. <>. "First World - Feature Articles - The Causes of World War One." First World - A Multimedia History of World War One. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. <>. "First World - Primary Documents - Archduke Franz Ferdinand's Assassination, 28 June 1914." First World - A Multimedia History of World War One. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. <>. "World War I - Alliance System." TheCorner. Web. 30 Apr. 2010. <>. 78. Grass. Carl Sandburg. Modern American Poetry." Great Books Online -- Quotes, Poems, Novels, Classics and Hundreds More. Web. 03 May 2010. <>.