Using Big and Open Data to Benefit Humanity


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Presentation transcript:

Using Big and Open Data to Benefit Humanity Sabina Leonelli Exeter Centre for the Study of Life Sciences (Egenis) & Department of Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology University of Exeter @sabinaleonelli

Utopia: Big and Open Data at the Service of Global Society New technologies and institutions for producing, storing and disseminating lots of data, fast, about anything and everything New forms of data mining, analysis and re-use beyond context of data generation Mediated through Open Science: ongoing transformation of Publication and public engagement Research assessment What counts as research (to include outreach and data stewardship)

Dystopia: Unreliable Science, Widening Divides Lack of Sustainability: Open science is not quick nor cheap Digital data infrastructures require maintenance and updating Who pays, how and for how long? Quality Concerns: Anything online goes? Risk of entrenched bias in automated analysis Lack of accountability in global data trade and big data analytics Data recycling and conservatism in research Increasing Digital Divides: Databases display “tractable” data by rich, English-speaking groups Deepening disadvantage to low-resourced research environments Gender and class bias in data sources, e.g. social media Little monitoring of acceptable data use (individual/group rights)

Priorities for Data Governance Support fairness in data handling: Identify exclusions and inequalities Invest in adequate data expertise Not all data should be open Support mechanisms to promote quality and trustworthiness of data sources and analytic tools Invest in sustainable data infrastructures: interoperable, long-term, international, publicly accountable Encourage creative solutions to global challenges in dialogue with relevant publics Foster critical scrutiny of data use

Research funded by European Research Council grant n° 335925, ESRC, MRC & NERC MEDMI Grant, Leverhulme Trust Grant “Beyond the Digital Divide”, Australian Research Council Discovery Grant “Organisms and Us” Leonelli, S. (2017) Incentives and Rewards for Open Science Activities. Report for the Mutual Learning Exercise on Open Science of the European Commission. Leonelli, S. (2017) Biomedical Knowledge Production in the Age of Big Data. Report for the Swiss Science and Innovation Council. Leonelli, S., Arnauld, E., Davey, R., Parry, G. and Bastow, R. (2017) Data Management and Best Practice in Plant Science. Nature Plants Leonelli, S. (2017) Global Data Quality Assessment and the Situated Nature of “Best” Research Practices in Biology. Data Science Journal Bezuidenhout L, Leonelli S, Kelly A, Rappert B (2017) Beyond the Digital Divide: Towards a Situated Approach to Open Data. Science & Public Policy Leonelli, S. (2016) Locating Ethics in Data Science: Responsibility and Accountability in Global and Distributed Knowledge Production. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: Part A. Levin, N and Leonelli, S (2016) How Does One “Open” Science? Questions of Value in Biological Research. Science, Technology and Human Values.