Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand The assassination of Ferdinand happened on June 28, 1914 in Serbia. Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. Allies of each country take sides and WORLD WAR I begins!
4 conflicts that led to WWI Ethnic Conflicts Ideological Conflicts Nationalism Political and Economic Rivalries
Ethnic Conflicts Austro-Hungarian Empire consisted of many ethnic groups. Only Austrians and Hungarians were allowed to vote. Other ethnic groups disliked not having the right to vote.
Germany’s politics change Germany began to feel that they should be equal partners with the world powers like England, France, Russia, and U.S. In the late 1800’s, Germany becomes more aggressive and wants to build up their influence throughout the world. Germany conflicted with all European powers except Austria-Hungary.
Nationalism in the Balkans Nationalism is the devotion and loyalty to one’s own ethnic background or country of origin. Nationalism in the Balkans led to a widespread struggle for independence.
Why were the Balkans so important to Russia and Great Britain? The Balkans bordered the Mediterranean Sea. Great Britain wanted control of it so they could remain the leading naval power. If Russia controlled this area, Great Britain’s trade would be threatened.
France vs. Germany Can’t we all just get along? France was threatened by Germany. France wanted to reclaim two provinces that had been lost to Germany. France teams up with other allies to prevent another defeat.
Taking Sides Central Powers Germany Austria-Hungary Turkey Bulgaria Allied Powers Great Britain France Russia United States Italy
Georgia’s Economy Georgia’s economy began to suffer. Due to the fighting in Europe, Georgia products (cotton, timber, and tobacco) were not able to reach European markets.
Georgia’s Role Georgia housed 5 different military bases. The largest of these bases was Fort Gordon, which trained the 82nd All-American Division. Georgia had more training camps than any other state in the country. During World War I, over 100,000 Georgian men and women contributed to the victory for the Allies. In Georgia, over 2,000 combat pilots were trained. Georgia also had a prisoner of war camp that held over 4,000 prisoners.