Logan Dry Canyon Detention Basin Design Case Study Reading HEC HMS Users Manual (http://www.hec.usace.army.mil/software/hec-hms/documentation/HEC-HMS_Users_Manual_4.0.pdf) P241-243 on Frequency Storm HEC HMS Technical Reference Manual (http://www.hec.usace.army.mil/software/hec-hms/documentation/HEC-HMS_Technical%20Reference%20Manual_%28CPD-74B%29.pdf) P 29-31 gives technical details on the alternating block method and development of frequency storm Logan Dry Canyon Study Reports (in Canvas) HydrologicModelingSedimentYieldandSedimentTransportAnalyses_Oct2006.pdf Pages 1-19. Introduction, design storm, hydrologic analysis. USACE Dry Canyon Study.pdf. Pages 1-13 to end of section on Hydrology. Technical Memoranda_CorolloEngineers_Jan2007.pdf. 1-1 to 1-5. PDF 6-10. Executive Summary 2-1, PDF 12. Hydraulic model overview 3-1 to 3-8, PDF 16-23. Desiltation basin PDF 28-31. RB&G geotechnical design report
TL=52 min. GA Params for Loam This uses streamstats average slope of 53%
Design Study 6 hour Hydrograph From Anderson Consulting Dry Canyon Design, 2006
TL=87 min. GA Params for Loam This uses longest flow path length slope of 19% that results in longer lag time
TL=52 min. K=2.1 in/hr (smallest in soil tests) Note significantly smaller discharge volume and peak
TL=52 min. CN=63. 12 Hr freq storm
TL=87 min. GA Params for Loamy Sand