Volunteers Governors New members of Staff


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Presentation transcript:

Volunteers Governors New members of Staff Induction Meeting Volunteers Governors New members of Staff

Aims To familiarise yourself with: Child protection and safeguarding procedures. Safer working practice. Confidentiality requirements. Use of mobile phone/cameras within school. Policies most relevant to your work in school.

Thank you for giving your time to the staff and children at Tutshill. We hope that you will gain a real insight into the work of the school, but will also enjoy your time spent in the classroom. Your generous offer of time requires us to equip you properly for the tasks asked of you and ensure that you are protected by being aware of safe working practices.

Expectations for Adults in School Love one Another Know Ourselves Believe and Grow   Adults are expected to:- be polite to the children and to each other listen to each child’s point of view give clear instructions be positive and recognise good behaviour by giving Examples e.g. – That was kind because........I liked it when you ............ because............ be positive and recognise achievement and effort comment on behaviour only – That........................is unacceptable because....... reinforce appropriate behaviour of any child you witness respond appropriately when addressed by name by a child model appropriate movement and door courtesy stay calm Don’t allow yourself to be put in a compromising position and remember that confidentiality is essential.

Procedures for arrival:- For your own and the children’s safety please ensure that you sign in at the office on arrival. The visitors book is used in case of fire to ensure that all visitors have been accounted for. A ‘visitor’ badge/lanyard should be visible at all times. Children (and adults) are told that any adults who are allowed on the premises will have identification.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Safeguarding is Everybody’s Business The welfare of our children is paramount. To ensure the safety of our children we adopt the following procedures:- Any concerns over child protection should be directed to: Natalie Fryer DSL Jenny Lane Deputy DSL Marilyn Henderson Child protection Governor.

Child Protection Procedure:- If you have a concern about the welfare of a child. Inform N Fryer or J Lane Complete a school written record, sign and hand to N Fryer/J Lane. Do not keep a copy If you can not speak to the designated teachers contact Gloucestershire safeguarding board helpdesk ask to speak to a social work practitioner for advice. Telephone number of the helpdesk is in the induction pack.

As a new member of staff, Governor or volunteer you may be in regular contact with children and in an excellent position to get to know them well. You will be able to develop trusting relationships, observe changes in behaviour and sometimes may be chosen to share a young person’s confidences or concerns. We rely on all those working with children to take any suspicions, allegations or concerns about a child seriously. If a child tells you that they are suffering abuse: Allow them to speak without interruption and accept what they say. Never agree to keep information confidential. Tell them that you must hand the information to the designated safeguarding lead teacher or their deputy. (Mrs N Fryer Miss J Lane).

Child Protection Training Training course may be available through school depending on numbers Online training course available free of charge. Details in induction pack. Please show a copy of your certificate to the office for our records.

Confidentiality:- Whatever you hear or see in school, particularly relating to children must not be repeated. Be very careful about what you write on Facebook or other social media sites It is not appropriate to comment on something that has happened in school, even to a child’s parent. This is particularly important on the playground. Any concerns should be shared with the class teacher or Headteacher. If you feel that there has been inappropriate behaviour within school refer the matter to the Headteacher and/or safeguarding governor.

Safer Working Practice:- Protection for yourself Do not: Enter into discussions about your personal life with children. Befriend children on social networking sites. Be aware of what you share if your children’s friends have access. (privacy settings high) Wear clothes that are too revealing Administer first aid Be alone with a child -Leave doors open, inform a member of staff where you are going and for how long If at any time you are concerned that an action or comment by yourself may be misinterpreted or that a child behaves or makes a comment in a way that causes you concern in this respect, log your concerns immediately with the appropriate senior member of staff.

Mobile phones within school:- All staff/volunteers must ensure that mobile phones are switched off and left in a secure place when children are on site. Staff and volunteers should not make or take personal calls during the school day in the presence of children. Any personal calls should be made and taken on the school telephone wherever possible. If any staff member/volunteer has an emergency which requires them to keep their mobile phone close at hand they should consult the Headteacher for permission. In this situation any calls taken or made should be away from children. A designated school mobile telephone which does not have a camera facility must be taken on school trips or visits. Under no circumstances must photographs be taken on mobile phones.

Cameras within school:- Only school designated cameras are to be used to photograph children. Images must not be taken which may cause embarrassment or distress. Images should be regularly downloaded and then erased from the camera. Parents will be allowed to photograph or record school productions for their own personal use. The use of the images and recordings for any other purpose will be a breach of the data protection act 1998. Parents are made aware that images must not be shared on the internet or social media sites. Parents are reminded not to use photographic equipment on school site except at organised events.

Policies Please:- read all of the policies mentioned in the pack Sign to say you have been made aware of them. It is the responsibility of each member of staff, Governor or volunteer to read the policies mentioned in the induction pack.

Thank You for attending. Please:- Complete the volunteer agreement. Read the policies contained in the induction pack Consider completing an online child protection training course. Any Questions?