Journal - Multimedia & Internet @ Schools (Formerly Multimedia Schools) Ellen Patrick 11/05/05
MultiMedia&Internet@Schools “The Media and Technology Specialists’ Guide to Electronic Tools and Resources for K-12 Education” Directed toward teachers and LMS’s with a focus on Technology
To subscribe Go to: Website: MultiMedia&Internet@Schools Yearly Subscription $39.95 Plexus Publishing, Inc. Information Today, Inc.
Feature Cyberbee column by Linda Joseph – also an independent website
Samples of online articles October 2005 News Extras (Click on title to link to article) “Adobe Introduces Photoshop Elements 4.0 and Adobe Premiere Elements 2.0 “ “EBSCO host Databases Offer Expanded Image Collections” Feature articles: “Streaming Video: Why to Do It, How to Do It, and Where to Get It” “SMART Launches Database of K–12 Lesson Activities Correlated to State Standards “
Article from Scholastic New Online article: School Libraries Work! Presented at AASL October 2005 Article in support of school libraries From Scholastic
A plug for another great journal: Edutopia Magazine URL: Created by George Lucas Educational Foundation Subscription free to educators!
What is Edutopia ? “The word conjures up an ideal educational landscape, where students are motivated to learn and teachers are energized by the excitement of teaching. In these schools, parents and other professionals from the community -- architects, artists, physicians, and writers, among others -- contribute their expertise and resources. Technology is readily available and enables students, teachers, and administrators to seek knowledge and expertise beyond the school building. "Edutopia" is a vision of powerful teaching and learning -- and the good news is that the vision is being realized today in our nation's best schools. “
What is the George Lucas Educational Foundation? “The George Lucas Educational Foundation (GLEF) is a nonprofit operating foundation that documents and disseminates information about exemplary programs in K-12 schools to help these practices spread nationwide. We serve this mission through the creation of media -- from films, books, our magazine Edutopia, and e-newsletters, to CD-ROMs and DVDs. Our Web site contains all of our multimedia content published since 1997.“