Editable Templates 3 COVER OPTIONS
My Book Report Name: Grade: Title: _____________ _________ TEMPLATE 1 - COVER notebook template/flipbook Title: My Book Report “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” - Dr. Seuss Name: _____________ Grade: _________ Type in text to edit. Remember to keep same alignment of text at the bottom of each page for flipbook pages to align well. TEMPLATE 1 Cut around templates 1 - 5. Assemble from largest to smallest rectangle. Glue largest rectangle first in notebook. Next glue each rectangle at top tab (descending order). For flipbook, simply staple at the top. © TeachToTell 2016
My Book Report Name: Grade: Title: _____________ _________ TEMPLATE 1 - COVER notebook template/flipbook Title: My Book Report “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” - Dr. Seuss Name: _____________ Grade: _________ TEMPLATE 1 Cut around templates 1 - 5. Assemble from largest to smallest rectangle. Glue largest rectangle first in notebook. Next glue each rectangle at top tab (descending order). For flipbook, simply staple at the top. © TeachToTell 2016
My Book Report Name: Grade: Title: _____________ _________ TEMPLATE 1 - COVER notebook template/flipbook Title: My Book Report “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” - Dr. Seuss Name: _____________ Grade: _________ TEMPLATE 1 Cut around templates 1 - 5. Assemble from largest to smallest rectangle. Glue largest rectangle first in notebook. Next glue each rectangle at top tab (descending order). For flipbook, simply staple at the top. © TeachToTell 2016
glue here When and where does the story take place? Draw a scene and write about it. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Setting TEMPLATE 2 Cut around template. Assemble from largest to smallest rectangle. Glue largest rectangle first in notebook. Next glue each rectangle at top tab (descending order). For flipbook, simply staple at the top.
Main Characters My Favorite! glue here Who are the main characters? Write briefly about them. Draw a portrait of your favourite character/characters. My Favorite! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ Main Characters TEMPLATE 3
glue here Briefly explain what happens in the book. Be sure not to give away any surprises. Think about the beginning, middle and end. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Summary TEMPLATE 4
glue here - The Summary Continued ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Summary TEMPLATE 4A
TEMPLATE 5 glue here How do you feel about the book? Why do you feel this way? Would you recommend this book to other readers? Why? Draw your favorite scene. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ What I thought